1st Period

Minimum Wage

Raymond Chen

The Podcast Podcast Podcast-Ep1:"How wage affects people", we will discuss the cause and effect of bad wages and the need to increase wages.

Kearra Galang

In this episode, of "Spilled Secrets" I discuss minimum wage, and if it is a livable wage for people. I interview a friend of mine who is currently working a minimum wage job.

Victor Garcia

In this episode of "The Amigo Podcast", we discuss about how minimum wage effects our life and lifestyle.

Kyle Chau

In episode 1 of the Bing Chilling Podcast, I discuss minimum wage and job hunting with my guest Victor Garcia, a high school student from ALHS.

Snow Jiang

In today’s podcast, we’ll be discussing the struggles of living on minimum wage and it's the unrealistic standards alongside personal experience and perspective from Ted Jiang, a UPS package driver for over 25 years.

Ivan Ma, Joshua Chew, Dean Chang, Andrew Xu

In this episode of "Boys Behind a Mic", we discuss the struggles of living in San Francisco on minimum wage and reflect on our personal experiences of earning minimum wage.

Mathew Choi

in this episode of the "no cash or hash podcast" our host Mathew Choi and cohost Frankie discuss the mental aspect of "succeeding" in America and how does in minimum wage that are dissatisfied can overcome this challenge by changing their mental and physical habits. Oh, yeah, and we're at a lake full of corn chip hungry geese... with a bag of corn chips.

Andre Jenny and Angelina

Joint podcast! us soon to be college students talk about min wage and our experiences and thoughts about it

Joyce Li

In this episode of "Trapped on Minimum Wage", we discuss the struggles of living on minimum wage and contemplate whether or not we can call it a "livable" wage.

Joycelyn Ma

In this episode of the "Broke Dino on a Budget", we discuss a couple idea f minimum wage with a High School student's opinion. We dive into how our guest feels about the minimum wage and if she can actually live of off the minimum wage in San Francisco.

Malia Guerra

In this episode of "Daily Dialogue", Ms.Roque and I discuss the gender wage. I ask her several questions in regards to the wage gap to hear her point of view and understanding of this global issue.

Timothy Wu

In this podcast we’ve talked about What the minimum wage is, What problems the minimum wage causes, and the struggle of minimum wage.

Gender Wage Gap

Ellery Yu

In this episode of "Purple Stars Podcast", we discuss about the gender wage gap issue, how that affects women, and possible solutions.

Riley Brown

In this episode of "Riley's Reviews", we discuss the gender wage gap and how it affects us all.

Mariel Cawthon

In this episode of "Working Women", a mother and daughter discuss the struggles of attempting to maintain a career while raising a family.

Adam Paragas

In this episode of, "Out of Office", we discuss the gender wage gap with my friends, ALHS students, Pablo and Alex.

Racial wage gap

Karen Wu

In this episode of "Teens Talk Inequality", we discuss our own experiences with the racial wage gap and what we believe can be done to help resolve this problem.

Pablo Bamaca

In this episode of the "Pablo talks about stuff podcast" we discuss the origin of the racial wealth gap and give our thoughts and opinions, we also discuss about possible solutions to solve this gap.