Prayers by Grade
Prayers by Grade
The Holy Rosary
The Holy Rosary
Pray the Holy Rosary with +Bishop Emeritus Swain. The audio links:
Pray the Holy Rosary with +Bishop Emeritus Swain. The audio links:
Suggestions for honoring Mary, Our Mother and Queen
Suggestions for honoring Mary, Our Mother and Queen
The 31-Club: Commit to praying one Hail Mary Prayer each day.
The Holy Rosary: Commit to praying a rosary each day. Or, start small by praying one decade of the rosary each day.
The Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary: This litany, often referred to as the Litany of Loreto, honors many of the titles of Mary.
Sing a hymn to Mary as part of your family prayer such as Immaculate Mary or Hail, Holy Queen, Enthroned Above.
Place fresh-cut flowers near a statue or picture of Mary in your home.
Plant a Mary garden in your yard. Many flowers are named in honor of the Blessed Mother such as marigolds.
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How To Sign Up:
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There is something for everyone on, children's shows, books, audio. The parishes have paid the fee.
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Small Group Initiative Resources
Small Group Initiative Resources