Nuclear quantum effect on the elasticity of ice VII under pressure: A path-integral molecular dynamics study Physical Review Research (2024) J. Tsuchiya, M. Shiga, S. Tsuneyuki, and E.C. Thompson
First-principles investigations of antigorite polysomatism under pressure Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (2024) J. Tsuchiya, T. Mizoguchi, S. Inoué, and E.C. Thompson
Hydrous wadsleyite crystal structure up to 32 GPa American Mineralogist 108: 1948-1956 (2023) F. Wang, E.C. Thompson, D. Zhang, J. Xu, E.E. Alp, and S.D. Jacobsen
The role of hydrogen bonds in hydrous minerals at lower mantle pressure conditions Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 9: 63 (2022) J. Tsuchiya and E.C. Thompson
Calculated elasticity of Al-bearing phase D Minerals 12: 922 (2022) E.C. Thompson, A.J. Campbell, and J. Tsuchiya
High-pressure crystal structure and equation of state of ferromagnesian jeffbenite: Implications for stability in the transition zone and uppermost lower mantle Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 176: 93 (2021) F. Wang, E.C. Thompson, D. Zhang, E.E. Alp, J. Zhao, J.R. Smyth, and S.D. Jacobsen
Experimental thermal equation of state of B2-KCl Physical Review B 104: 094107 (2021) B.A. Chidester, E.C. Thompson, R.A. Fischer, D.L. Heinz, V.B. Prakapenka, Y. Meng, and A.J. Campbell
Elastic properties of the pyrite-type FeOOH-AlOOH system from first principles calculations Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 22: e2021GC009703 (2021) E.C. Thompson, A.J. Campbell, and J. Tsuchiya
Phase transitions in ε-FeOOH at high pressure and ambient temperature American Mineralogist 105: 1769-1777 (2020) E.C. Thompson, A.H. Davis, N.M. Brauser, Z. Liu, V.B. Prakapenka, and A.J. Campbell
High-pressure geophysical properties of fcc phase FeHX Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems19: 305-314 (2018) E.C. Thompson, A.H. Davis, W. Bi, J. Zhao, E.E. Alp, D. Zhang, E. Greenberg, V.B. Prakapenka, and A.J. Campbell
Equations of state and phase boundary for stishovite and CaCl2-type SiO2 American Mineralogist 103: 792-802 (2018) R.A. Fischer, A.J. Campbell, B.A. Chidester, D.M. Reaman, E.C. Thompson, J.S. Pigott, V.B. Prakapenka, J.S. Smith
High-pressure phase behavior and equations of state of ThO2 polymorphs American Mineralogist103: 749-756 (2018) B.A. Chidester, O.S. Pardo, R.A. Fischer, E.C. Thompson, D.L. Heinz, C. Prescher, V.B. Prakapenka, A.J. Campbell
Elasticity of ε–FeOOH: Seismic implications for Earth’s lower mantle Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth122(7): 5038-5047 (2017) E.C. Thompson, A.J. Campbell, and J. Tsuchiya
Equation of state of pyrite to 80 GPa and 2400 K American Mineralogist101: 1046-1051 (2016) E.C. Thompson, B.A. Chidester, R.A. Fischer, D.I. Myers, D.L. Heinz, V.B. Prakapenka, and A.J. Campbell
In-situ infrared spectra of hydroxyl in amphiboles at high pressure American Mineralogist101: 706-712 (2016) E.C. Thompson, A.J. Campbell, and Z. Liu