Write Evaluation Questions

After narrowing the scope for your evaluation based on your existing knowledge, the next phase involves developing evaluation questions. The questions that guide your evaluation should be specific and answerable with data you plan to collect. Below are some general resources with examples of how to crafting good evaluation questions.

Starting Point Evaluation Questions - Customizable Resource.docx

Customizable Resource: Dual/Concurrent Enrollment-Specific Research Questions

To help with your evaluation question development, the SERVE Center developed the document at left with some starting-point evaluation questions that are specific to dual or concurrent enrollment. Depending on your area of focus, these questions may help you with your evaluation planning.

Additional Resources for Writing Evaluation Questions

Developing Evaluation Questions.pdf

This resource offers a process to guide the development of evaluation questions.

NESP - Writing Evaluation Questions.pptx

This resource provides some basic tips for writing questions that focus on what you want to learn from your evaluation.

Develop the evaluation brief - NSW Department of Premier & Cabinet.pdf

This resource provides some general question examples for process, outcomes, and economic evaluation.

CDE - Developing Evaluation Questions.pdf

This resource offers an alternative structure for evaluation questions in the area of needs assessment, program theory, process, impact, and efficiency.