Continuous Improvement

A model for improvement using regular design cycles (sometimes referred to as Improvement Science) can draw from each of the areas you are trying to address with your evaluation questions. Answering the three questions - 1) What are we trying to accomplish? 2) How will we know that a change is an improvement? and 3) What change can we make that will result in improvement? - helps to connect what you are doing to support your dual/concurrent enrollment program with the results you are seeing. The resources on this page can help you think about what a continuous improvement process might look like in your program.

Science of Improvement_ Testing Changes.pdf

This resource offers a high-level overview of how to apply Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles to use inquiry and data to inform continuous improvement.


This resource builds on the concept of PDSA cycles to provide a more detailed description of embedding improvement cycles into an educational program.

Improvement science tools - HTH GSE

This resource provides some tools and protocols to support continuous improvement work in your program.