Portrait Project

Self Portrait Project

Artist Inspiration for my acrylic portrait

Before coming up with a plan for my acrylic self portrait, I looked at several different artists and their portrait work. I found three different painters whose works I consistently enjoyed, wether that be through their color scheme or composition, and used them for my artist inspiration.

Miro Board Final Plan

After coming up with a final plan and sketch of my acrylic self portrait, I uploaded all my process documentation to the Miro board, including; my sketchbook page of the Final Plan, my 3 initial ideas, my artist inspiration, an edited picture of my reference photo, and lastly my acrylic color scheme swatch page.

Warm and Cool Toned Scale

I was asked to create a warm and cool toned scale, to practice my color mixing skills. I chose to use a yellow and purple, being that they are on opposite ends of the color wheel. Using only black and white to add to my original hue, I started my scale from lightest to darkest and lastly made a geometric painting with my leftover mixed colors.

Process Photos of Portrait

After each session of working on my portrait, either in class or at home, I took a photo of my painting process from start to finish.