

Sketchbook Cover

During our first week of class I was given the option to design the cover of my sketchbook however I'd like. I first painted the cover pink with acrylic paint, mixed with water and used different forms of collage. Finally I added a lace trim to the outside of my sketchbook with hot glue.

Blind and Semi Blind Sketches

As a drawing warm-up I blindly and semi blindly drew my hand and sketched a portrait of someone I knew. I positioned my hand in different ways for each new sketch to create dimension and draw more creatively. I then was able to choose a portrait photo we had a already taken on our phone to semi blindly draw.

Time Capsule Drawing

(4 quadrants, 4 subjects, self portrait, part of room, hand, chair)

For each quadrant I was given ten minutes to quickly sketch a subject from the list above. I divided my paper into four different sections, each section for a different subject. From there I drew a portrait of myself by looking in a mirror, a section of my room, my hand, and a chair.

Continuous Contour Line Drawing of Corner of Room

For homework I was told to create a continuous contour line drawing of a corner of our room. I chose a part of my room which had lots of detail, as well as a bookshelf. This was done to try and work on creating dimension and corners through drawing.

Self Portraits

I was given a clear piece of acetate to tape onto a mirror to then trace my face onto with black Sharpie. From there I then traced our tracing onto white and toned paper. I used a mix of oil pastel and colored pencil to color in my portraits, as well as a blending tool and for my last one added an element of collage.

Value Scale

I created two different value scales, one on white paper with pencil, and the other with charcoal pencil on grey toned paper. I created seven different sections for each scale and experimented with the amount of pressure to use with pencil for each section. For the second scale we created an ombre scale with the same values as the one above.

Negative Space Chair

I was able to choose a picture of a chair in black and white, to then draw the outline upside down. By flipping the photo and my sketchbook upside down I sketched the outside outline of the chair. After my outline was done I used black ink to fill in the negative space of the chair and background.

Eye Drawing in Pencil

I was asked to draw a hyper realistic drawing of an eye in our sketchbook in pencil. To help better understand the process I used the video, How to Draw Hyper Realistic Eyes | Step by Step, on Youtube. I was able to follow along with the video and started by sketching the outline of the eye and later built layer upon layer to add dimension and used a blending tool to help with shading.

To further my practice, I also sketched a hyper realistic nose; following another Youtube tutorial.

Facial Proportions drawing based on reference photo

After taking and editing a selfie I took from the front and leveled with my face, I printed out multiple black and white images of the picture. I outlined with black pen the shape of my face, hair/hairline and eyes and finally used a ruler to create a line directly in the middle of my face, horizontally and vertically. Lastly, I rough sketched another face to even further practice facial proportions and measured the space in between certain features.

Warm and Cool Toned Scale

I was asked to create a warm and cool toned scale, to practice my color mixing skills. I chose to use a yellow and purple, being that they are on opposite ends of the color wheel. Using only black and white to add to my original hue, I started my scale from lightest to darkest and lastly made a geometric painting with my leftover mixed colors.

Single Line Drawing of Charlotte

As a small homework assignment, I was asked to create a single line drawing of a family member or friend. I chose to use my friend Charlotte as my subject and took a picture of her sitting down, being that she resisted sitting still for me. From the picture I then outlined her figure and most noticeable features and added some text from the conversation happening beforehand.