Unit 1 Photo Assignments

Curated Mini Gallery





For this photo assignment, we created photograms using light sensitive paper and dropping chemicals in our bathroom turned darkroom on campus. We started with placing the ideas we wanted in a composition, trying different arrangements on the paper, then shining a light on it for only a couple sentences. We then placed the paper in a three different bathes of chemicals for the image to develop. Something that surprised me was how well the light bounced off the peals I used, and how much detail was able to be captured. 

Diptych/ Triptych

For my first diptych I wanted to show Lila taking a photo and the scene she was looking at. Even though, I took the photo of the ducks I wanted to show her perspective and the scene she was trying to capture. 

Within my second Diptych my connection is visual. It is made through using the same black and white filter, and same rule of odds composition with three subjects. Something I wanted to show, that I dont think cam across was that each photo was taken in a similar area. I wish the tallest person was standing in the middle for both photos as an another clearer visual connection and to show the connection and similarity between life and art. 

The three images in my triptych were taken in the same moment by three different photographers, me, Ethan, and Lila. This triptych shows each of our perspectives in one moment.

Photo Assignment: Photoshop


Color burst 

The purpose of this assignment was to learn how to use some of the tools available in photoshop. The goal of Color burst assignment was to learn to use a layer mask and the paintbrush tool. With kaleidoscope we used multiple layers, changing our image through coating and blending the layers. 

Photowalk 1-Norton Simon Walk

rule of odds




Within our photowalk to the Norton Simon we were instructed to focus on Compositional guidelines and Abstraction. This means we tried to find more vauge, abstract, interesting compositions. An image that aren’t quite sure what it is exactly first. For our walk through the arroyo we also focused on looking for the compositional guidelines.It was also a good reason to start editing in lightroom

Photowalk 2- Arroyo

Day in the Life

school day

The goal of this assignment was to take a photo every every you are awake during the day. I really liked this assessment because it made me step back and think about how I use my time when I looked at all my photos. It helped me reflect on my day. We did one series for weekend and a weekday.


Abstract Safari

Abstract Photographer Research shoot 

Shadows/ Silhouettes/ Reflections

For this assignment we needed to pay attention creating an interesting composition while focusing on incorporating to shadows, silhouettes and reflections. It was challenging for me to find interesting shadows because of when I was able to take photos, the same is true of silhouettes. I had ideas for photos I could take using my projector for silhouettes that I ran out of time for. I was surprised how many places I could find an interesting reflection.