
reflection:For the unselfies, the assignment was to take interesting self portraits. It wasn’t required to abstract our face, but if we did show our faces it had to be in a unique way. For our portraits assignements we got to use ross and set up gel lights. For this we were asked to incorporate fun props into our photos. I think there are many things that go into making a portrait photo successful, lighting, props, location but I think one that gets overlooked is having a comfortable environment for the subject. I think just letting the model feel comfortable and joking with them while taking photos can. Produce the most natural shots. The techniques I gravitated to most were shooting candidly, adjusting focus, introducing props and playing with eyeconact, or a focus on a body part (eyes). These can be seen in both my unselfies, and my portraits with Ethan and Lila. The studio portraits I took of Ethan are my favorite from this unit. I think the addition of a tie, glasses, scarf and lollipop add a lot of fun to these photos. I also am fond of the unselfies in the mirror I did, however I wish they were more in focus. I played around with shutter speed when taking photos of Ethan. I had him tell me a joke, laugh or move around, so to capture these moments I increased the shutter speed. I want to contie to play around with colorful lighting in my inquiry project, as well and framing. 




Studio Portraits