Drawing Exercises

Time Capsule

The purpose of the "time capsule" drawings exercises was to be able to compare these drawing with our drawings of the same four things at the end of the class and hopefully see our improvement.

What I enjoyed most about making this assignment was being able to really take my time. We had 10 mineuts for each quadrant and some I needed more time like the face and some I had left over time. With the time limit I had to use second drawing and even when i was done but still had time I got add details.

By completing this assignment, I learned If I really take my time and focus on big picture first then go in with details I can make something I'm proud of, that honestly surprised me .

(semi) Blind Contour Line Drawing

(semi) Blind Contour Line Drawing

The purpose of doing blind contour line drawings exercises was to practice hand/eye coordination.

What I enjoyed most about making this assignment was being able to just freely draw without worrying too much about the details and just trusting my hand.

By completing this assignment, I learned sometimes simple is better. I am comparing the first and seocnd drawing, also doodling like this is very fun.

Negative Space Drawings

The purpose of this assignment drawings exercises was to focus on the silloutte and the shape of the object.

What I enjoyed most about making this assignment was finding the objects and looking for strange shapes.

By completing this assignment, I learned using a grid for photos helps your drawing be more accuate.

Continous line drawing of Room

The purpose of this assignment drawings exercises was to take your time and also practice hand eye coordination.

What I enjoyed most about making this assignment was using the whole page and having so much extra time to fill in details I missed.

By completing this assignment, I practiced taking up space, my drawing tend to be smaller, but thsi assignment pushed me to fill the page.




The purpose of this assignment was to continue practicing continous line drawing and also adding some color.

What I enjoyed most about making this assignment was adding color and also looking arounf my house for objects that were interesting.


value scales -gradient scale and a step scale

The purpose of this assignment was to practice shading and being delibrate and specific with your pencil.

By completing this assignment, I learned how easy it to make the color darker with some pencils you really dont have to press too hard, so you have to be careful.

Acrylic value scale

The purpose of this assignment was to practice painting with acrylics, and being specific and careful about values and mixing.

By completing this assignment, I learned how a little black really goes a long way so i need to be delibrate when using it