Sadie Bloom

I was thrilled about this shoot from start to finish. Sadie is my best friend and someone I've wanted as a photographic subject for a long time. I’ve built up trust over the past year and changed to get to this point and I am so happy with the results. This shoot started as a drop in studio time combined with the assignment “bloom”. How I interpreted the word and conveyed that through imagery. I chose to go with simple symbolism utilizing fresh flowers, a floral skirt and warm colors. On a more conceptual level the idea of bloom really stands out because of the growth for my subject to be willing to model, and the comfort I saw her develop in front of the camera as we were shooting. 

This shoot was styled, directed, photographed and makeup done by me. I chose to distort styles I know Sadie would wear and be comfortable in to incorporate a more editorial style. I chose to layer flared cords with a midi length floral skirt with complimentary colors. The flowers I chose matched the colors on the skirt and we kept the top simple with a I <3 NY shirt and white sweater. Lastly I chose to incorporate makeup that I know she is accustomed to but would also stand out, I chose a simple red under eye and black dots. I love these photos not only because they are compositionally strong but I feel as though the conceptual elements are visible, there is visual cohesion and the personality of my model and best friend shines through.