Sequoia Grove SEL 

Meet your School Counselor

Bio for SEL Hub

SEL Groups

Please contact your HST if you are interested in enrolling your student in one of our SEL Groups.

During the eight week counseling groups, students will meet with the counselor once per week to engage in social emotional learning. Each intervention cycle will have a different focus across all grade bands (listed below). The material for each grade band is tailored to be grade appropriate. Parents will receive an email "newsletter" each week after the student's class that will provide parents and HST's the information covered in that week's lesson so they can continue supporting their students.

Cycle 1: Coping (Internalizing Emotions)

Teaching students emotion regulation skills to respond to situations that cause strong internalizing emotions, like sadness, worry, and stress, to feel calmer and able to make helpful choices. 

Cycle 1 Objectives 

Cycle 2: Regulation (Externalizing Emotions)

Teaching students emotion regulation skills to respond to situations that cause strong externalizing emotions, like anger, frustration, and impatience, to feel calmer and more skilled to make helpful choices.

Cycle 2 Objectives

Cycle 3: Self Management (Executive Functioning)

Teaching students knowledge and tools to support executive functioning to stay focused, delay gratification, follow and remember tasks, exercise impulse control, and organize tasks, things, and time. 

Cycle 3 Objectives

Cycle 4: Relationships (Social Skills)

 Teaching students social skills to establish, maintain, and restore relationships with others and resolve conflicts productively. 

Cycle 4 Objectives