Having Tough Conversations About Conflict

With the war transpiring between Russia and Ukraine, children are bound to be exposed to it in one way or another. Children understand more than adults would expect. For difficult to comprehend topics and situations such as war, children try to fill gaps in their understanding so they can comprehend what is going on in the world around them. Sometimes, children fill gaps with incorrect information in order for things to make sense to them. Once a child has developed their understanding of a situation, it is incredibly difficult (nearly impossible) for them to change their way of thinking. 

As adults/parents, it is important to help them  fill those gaps in their understanding with the correct information. It is important to provide them with understanding and the facts; not just what they see and hear in the news and on social media. 

The articles below provide parents with guidance about discussing the topic of war with their students. 



Having Tough Conversations About Conflict

With the war transpiring between Russia and Ukraine, children are bound to be exposed to it in one way or another. Children understand more than adults would expect. For difficult to comprehend topics and situations such as war, children try to fill gaps in their understanding so they can comprehend what is going on in the world around them. Sometimes, children fill gaps with incorrect information in order for things to make sense to them. Once a child has developed their understanding of a situation, it is incredibly difficult (nearly impossible) for them to change their way of thinking. 

As adults/parents, it is important to help them  fill those gaps in their understanding with the correct information. It is important to provide them with understanding and the facts; not just what they see and hear in the news and on social media. 

The articles below provide parents with guidance about discussing the topic of war with their students. 



Understanding Body Dysmorphia

Discussion About Body Dysmorphia