
Founded in 2020!

Sequoia Science Olympiad Orientation Day Poster

Passionate about STEM?

Join Sequoia Science Olympiad!

The newly-founded Sequoia Science Olympiad invites all students passionate about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics! Competitions (optional, but encouraged) allow participants to compete on regional, state, and national levels!

Science Olympiad pair rigorous written exams with stimulating hands-on activities for the perfect balance of rote and experiential learning! Sequoia Science Olympiad strives to foster an inclusive community that offers resources for all members.

Science Olympiad:

"Science Olympiad competitions are like academic track meets. Each year, events are rotated to reflect the ever-changing nature of anatomy, earth science, genetics, engineering, and technology. By combining events from all disciplines, Science Olympiad encourages a wide cross-section of students to get involved. Through Science Olympiad, students, teachers, parents, and principals bond together and work toward a shared goal."

Why Join?

1) Within the Science Olympiad circuit, students have the opportunity to explore focussed fields. Many of these disciplines are disregarded in the standard curriculum; thus, Science Olympiad supports students to pioneer new career paths.

2) Sequoia Science Olympiad is accompanied by Stanford coaches who share expertise with all the students in their discipline of interest. The organization has made science accessible and immersive for students at Sequoia High School.

3) The organization prides itself on delivering high-quality STEM education. As an outlet for many students, Sequoia Science Olympiad grants participants the ability to learn and experience the thrill of science that may lead to a STEM career.

4) Sequoia Science Olympiad has made attendance at prestigious competitions available to everyone, regardless of financial circumstances. Moreover, the team's diversity highlights its vibrancy to make STEM inclusive.

Sequoia Science Olympiad 2021-2022 Event Roster