Careers Advice at Selby High

At Selby High School we are committed to Careers Education as a vital means of giving all students the skills, knowledge and understanding to manage their own lifelong learning and career development. 

Learn more about our careers programme here.

Our careers education will prepare all students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of education, training and employment and also the challenges of adult life. 

At Selby High School we provide students with a wide range of careers education opportunities from Year 7 right through to Year 11 to excel in the wider world, whatever their career aspirations. 

Our students go onto careers in many different sectors, and the future will bring jobs and opportunities that don’t even exist now.

This dedicated careers area on our website has lots of useful information. You can find out about what we do in school and also find lots of resources and ideas to get you thinking about the wider world of work and your future in it. 

Meet Mrs Costoya, our Careers Adviser at Selby High School.

Mrs Costoya is in school every Tuesday and Thursday. Her door is always open and she welcomes students to proactively come and see her in the Learning Resource Centre. She will be working with students in during individual guidance appointments to help them understand, realise and fulfil their career goals. 

What does careers learning look like at Selby High?

"The school supports pupils to develop their knowledge of the opportunities available to them when they progress to further education and employment. Pupils can identify a range of careers that are open to them. They speak positively about their work experience in Year 10 and have clear ideas of where they would like to continue their studies." Ofsted Report, Nov. 2023

To enable our students to excel in the future, we help them develop skills such as resilience, self motivation and metacognition. We raise aspirations and open doors by creating opportunities to hear from or work with professionals in all kinds of fields. We offer comprehensive and impartial advice on options for the future beyond Selby High to help our students choose the right path for them.

There are many different opportunities throughout your time at Selby High which help equip you for the future. This page gives you an overview of our approach, or click below to see our programme in detail.

Information on Careers Impartial Advice and Guidance (CIAG)

Click each Learning Journey below to view a larger version:

Selby High Career Newsletters:

March 2024:

December 2023:

October 2023:

January 2023:

Career of the Month for July:


SALARY RANGE – £26,000-£42,000 

This month, in honour of ‘Plastic Free July’, we are unpacking a career focused around making a positive impact on the environment through design: an Eco-friendly Product Designer. The role combines your design expertise with sustainability principles to create products that are not only functional and user-friendly, but also minimise environmental impact throughout their lifecycle. This is a great role for all the designers out there who are also passionate about championing sustainability in the design process. Could this be the role for you?


As an Eco-friendly Product Designer, you will use customer research to determine user needs and design solutions whilst incorporating sustainable concepts. This role will give you the chance to collaborate with a wide range of professionals, from engineers to marketers, you’ll be a part of each step of the process to maintain your vision is delivered effectively.


If you want to plan out your future as an Eco-friendly Product Designer, you’ll need a passion for the environment, and maths and computer skills to help you design your products using software such as 3D CAD and Adobe Photoshop. After school or college, you’ll be able to build on these skills by gaining a BA (Hons) degree in Sustainable Product Design or BA (Hons) in Product Design and then go on to specialise in sustainability further into your career.