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The Art of Lunch: An Honest Student Review

Noah Lorton/Chad Covell -  March 15, 2024 

Note from the authors:

In recent weeks, the students here at Selah High School have been treated to a masterclass in creativity by the district’s nutrition staff. Lunch periods have seen numerous new dishes along with the beloved classics of lunch antiquity. In reflection on these changes, the Viking Voice is proud to bring a weeklong school lunch review to its loyal readers. Bon Appétit!

Monday, March 18: Cowboy Burger

Chad  8.5/10: The Cowboy Burger: where juicy beef, smoky ham, melting cheese, and a crunchy onion ring come together for a flavor rodeo in your mouth. It’s like the Wild West had a showdown on your taste buds. I liked the combination of everything including the little bit of barbeque sauce. The new item on the menu got an 8.5 from me. The flavors were excellent but it could have used more barbeque sauce.

Noah 7.7/10: Sheer curiosity persuaded my venture into the unknown during second lunch today. This venture took my tastebuds to America’s historic southwest via the lunch team’s new Cowboy Burger. I was impressed by the complex palette presented with the beef patty, ham, onion ring, sharp cheddar, and barbecue sauce. My only regret in my choice was that I didn’t add any jalapenos. Overall, this new item got a 7.7 from me because it had great flavor, but could use more onion rings and sauce.

Tuesday, March 19: Spicy Chickenwich / Teriyaki Dippers & Rice

Chad 7.5: After devouring my Spicy Chickenwich, I could see smoke coming out of my ears. I felt like I was auditioning for a role in a fire-breathing dragon movie. Thankfully, my taste buds were the only casualties. The Spicy Chickenwich packs a spicy punch with its perfectly seasoned crispy chicken and fiery breading,  leaving me wanting more after every bite. The Spicy Chickenwich is a classic that I will always pick over other options when getting lunch 7.5/10.

Noah 7.2/10: Today Selah High School saw a classic lunch lineup. The Spicy Chickenwich is a safe option that I’m rather fond of. I had the Teriyaki Dippers and Rice, a meal I remember having in elementary school when they were called beef bites. The portion sizes are always good with this dish and the rice:meat: sauce ratio was solid. I would’ve liked to see some more variety in the fruit options today. Overall, it's a decent Tuesday roster.

Wednesday, March 20: Bánh mì Sandwich / Chickenwich

Chad 9.5: Today, I tried the Chickenwich, It was amazing. This sandwich was as straightforward as it gets,  just two slices of bread embracing a juicy piece of chicken. No fancy toppings, no complicated sauces just pure chicken goodness. With my first bite, I was greeted by the crispy and juicy chicken, each mouthful showcased the quality of the chicken. This item got a 9.5 from me because of its great flavor. 

Noah 9/10: Never in my short career as a food reporter have I had to communicate such raw emotions as I dealt with during lunch today. We got the high-quality chicken patties, which is always a pleasure. More importantly, today saw the dawn of the Bánh mì Sandwich, which ended up being a delightful concoction of new flavors. The savory chicken was expertly contrasted by a host of light greens and carrots. This alone would’ve made a good sandwich, but the dagger was the sauce topping it off. I was extremely impressed with the consistent quality of options today and I look forward to tomorrow’s menu.

Thursday, March 21: Super Nachos / Fishwich

Chad 6.5: Nachos are the friends who add flavors to every occasion. These had plenty of cheese but lacked in quantity and variety of other toppings. They tasted good but could have used more toppings like sour cream or salsa. The crunchiness was spot on though. A very classic enjoyable lunch item, but could have been better. 6.5 from me.

Noah 5.8/10: I don’t have many grandiose words or even much of an introduction for today. I’d like to disclose that I strongly believe nachos are good and a strong second option for lunch, but they can’t perform as the chef’s special. I like the idea of more toppings or a more plentiful nacho bar. I don’t mind the fish sandwiches, but I couldn’t get any tartar out of the container and they seem to get squished more often than their chicken counterparts. I’m not disappointed in today’s lunch, but it’s competing in a week full of some impressive lineups and it just didn’t stack up.

Friday, March 22: Pulled Pork Burrito

Chad (7/10): This burrito brings a decent amount of game to the table. Imagine tender shreds of pulled pork, not overly dry wrapped snugly in a tortilla. It's the kind of burrito you’d grab on a lazy Sunday afternoon when you’re not looking for a fancy meal to satisfy your cravings. It delivers a decent flavor punch.  While it won’t blow your socks off, it’s a reliable option for a satisfying meal. A decent meal for lunch. 7/10 from me.

Noah 6.8/10: Friday saw the last lunch of an interesting weekly menu. Today I tried the pulled pork burrito for the first time. The burrito was pretty filling and had a good meat-to-rice/bean ratio, but I think some sort of taco sauce could’ve taken this dish to the next level. I’ve had the grilled cheese before and the cheese is questionable but I enjoyed it with the tomato sauce on the side. No home runs in the lineup today, but some solid choices to round out the week.

The Effects of Procrastination

Jorge Arias - January 26, 2024 

“I have enough time to finish it tomorrow.” The cliche argument is often monologued to ourselves to avoid the temporary fear of spending time falling short of expectations and possible failure. Procrastination may seem harmless, but being unaware of the long-term consequences and consistently failing to realize that stress originates from the habit. 

To understand this common phenomenon, there must be an understanding of the science behind it. According to the article Race to Cure, “The limbic system, also known as the paleomammalian brain, is one of the brain’s developed components. Its processes are mostly automatic…The prefrontal cortex is younger and, hence is a somewhat less powerful part of the brain. This region is responsible for complex behavior planning, personality expression, and decision-making.” Given the underdeveloped prefrontal cortex, it becomes clear that procrastination occurs when challenged by an uncomfortable task.

Unfortunately, younger individuals are much more likely to fall into a cycle of procrastination. This statistic was shown in a study conducted by The National Library of Medicine that included people from ages 14 through 29, “As reported by McCrae, conscientiousness has increased with advancing age, a personality trait which is strongly negatively associated with procrastination.” After the previous study, it was concluded that prefrontal cortex development plays an important role in overcoming procrastination.

With the concern and uncertainty of breaking this self-sabotaging habit, there are solutions to overcome it. Based on the article Putting People First in Mental Health, “Sometimes we procrastinate when we feel overwhelmed. If you’ve been procrastinating a specific project because it feels like “too much,” make a plan.” Creating a plan can not only organize any project or task but also help focus and concentrate on one step at a time instead of being overwhelmed by the whole project at once.

While procrastination will always be an epidemic spreading through the youth, it is evident that delaying and putting a task or project off to the side jeopardizes not only your academic performance but also your mental health, future opportunities, and time management skills. Being able to confront this longing fear and taking action is the best solution to this self-destructive habit that eventually stems into the root of constant stress and repeating cycles.

 How to Make Money at a Young Age

Titus Sutherland - January 24, 2024 

Many children complain they have no money and can't get a job. This is not true, multiple outlets allow young adults to make money.  Every student should get a job to teach them fundamental skills such as time management and responsibility.  Young teens have many opportunities to get experience and make money.

One place where teens can look to get jobs is in athletics where they are passionate and or have expertise.  One example is the White Pass ski area; here,  young people can get a job as a ski or snowboard cadet (an instructor's assistant). Cadets are responsible for helping students get ready for their first lesson. This can include helping students put on skis, supervise young children, and even demonstrations.  

Another job that young people can do is landscaping. While yard work might not be glamorous, it can be a valuable lesson in entrepreneurship. Like entrepreneurs, this enables students to work as they please and set their own working schedules. Furthermore, it teaches real-world skills such as developing working relationships with clients, and sales skills. 

Many young people also find jobs working in the food industry. Working in jobs like the service industry develops valuable communication skills, and fosters a community of teamwork and collaboration. While not all food chains hire under 16, in Selah, Kings Row does.

In conclusion, working at a young age teaches valuable skills that have lifelong implications. Whether it is doing yard work, waiting tables, or teaching young people to ski, each and every job has a valuable skill that can be learned and applied throughout your life. 

Nature vs. Nurture

Maci Case - November 20, 2023 

The nature vs nurture debate has been a longstanding discussion in the fields of psychology, sociology, and biology. This debate revolves around the question of whether human behavior and traits are primarily shaped by natural, biological factors (nature) or by external influences and experience (nurture). 

One side argues that genetic predispositions play a large role in shaping human characteristics. Our genes, inherited from our parents, are the blueprint for various physical and psychological traits. Studies on twins reared part and adoption research emphasize the impact of genetics on traits such as intelligence, temperament, and certain personality traits.  

On the other hand, supporters of the nurture perspective highlight the significance of environmental factors in molding human behavior. Social, cultural, and familial influences can shape an individual’s values, beliefs, and behaviors. Children raised in different environments often show diverse personalities, showing the powerful role of external experiences.

Developmental psychologists understand that there are crucial times in human growth when our genes and the things around us have a big impact. The idea of flexibility shows how our brains and actions can change and adjust. This shows that both our natural traits and the experiences we have help us learn, develop, and handle different situations.

The nature vs. nurture debate remains a captivating exploration of human development. The contrast between genetics and environmental influences is gradually evolving into a distinct understanding of its complicated interactions. Rather than viewing nature and nurture as opposing forces, it is clear that they work together to shape human behavior and identity. “In certain circumstances, nature can take president over nurture and vice versa” (Psychology Teach Mr. Tamblyn). Embracing the complexity of this allows for more comprehension of what makes us human. 

Gen Z for Social Justice

Dayanara Zuniga - November 16, 2023 

While the freedom to protest is a right granted by the Constitution's First Amendment, how many individuals take advantage of this right? Over the last few decades, there has been a constant trend of individuals worldwide becoming more politically active. Whether it is advocating for social and racial justice, or advocating for environmental issues, one thing is for certain, there has been a constant rise in younger generations fighting for prominent causes.

 Gen Z uses their voice on social media to push for systematic changes in social injustices. COVID-19 could account for the rise of online political engagement since the youth group turned to social media during this time allowing them to access, share, and spread information. In 2020, the inequality towards the Black community became publicized and swept the TikTok app creating a place for users of color to be heard. The videos under the tag #blacklivesmatter currently have 37.2B views. With information spreading like wildfire, users felt enraged by the discrimination taking place in this day and age and took to the streets to protest. 

This awareness among the youth contributed to the 11% increase in youth votes cast from the 2016 to 2020 election cycle. This stark increase in voter turnout highlights the advocacy for social movement among the youth. Social awareness surrounding a particular topic leads to widespread espousal, in the United States, we champion change by voting. 

Exposure to social issues has grown exponentially due to social media. It is the influence of the rise in Generation Z paving the way for positive change, signaling a promising era of activism and inclusivity.  As this generation continues to challenge norms and push boundaries, their dedication to creating a more equitable society serves as a role model for future generations to come.

Rod Wave: The Legend

Nadia Ruiz - January 29, 2024 

Rod Wave is an American rapper, singer, and songwriter. He was born on August 27, 1999, in St. Petersburg, Florida. Rod gained popularity with his emotional and introspective music, often touching on themes of pain, struggle, and personal growth. His debut album, “Ghetto Gospel,” released in 2019, received critical acclaim and established him as a rising star in the rap industry. With his unique voice and heartfelt lyrics, Rod Wave continues to captivate audiences with his music.

Rod Wave’s musical style can be described as a blend of hip-hop, rap, and R&B. He has a distinctive melodic approach to his music, often incorporating soulful vocals and heartfelt lyrics. Rod's songs often touch on personal experiences, struggles, and emotions, creating a deep and introspective vibe. His music resonates with many listeners due to its raw and honest nature. Whether he's rapping or singing, Rod Waves's music has a unique and captivating sound that draws you in.

Rod Wave has released several popular songs, but some of his most well-known tracks include “Heart on Ice,” “Rags2Riches,” “Pray 4 Love,” “Street Runner,” and “Girl of My Dreams.” These songs showcase Rod's emotional and introspective style, with powerful lyrics and soulful melodies.

SHS Through A Sub’s Perspective

Maelyn Berg - November 13, 2023 

Two substitutes from Selah High School, Jeff Kent, and Kelly Iverson, were interviewed about what it's like to be a substitute at SHS. Kent substitutes for art, while Iverson substitutes for digital media.

They were both asked what made them want to be a sub. Their responses were similar in that they both said they missed teaching, and it allowed them to make some extra money. However, their responses are a little different in that Mrs. Iverson said she likes teaching and misses being in the classroom with students, while Mr. Kent said it was a good way to stay involved with teaching, but liked that he could say no if asked to sub.

When asked about the school, they both had positive remarks. Mrs. Iverson said it’s a good school and she likes subbing here more than in middle school. She also said that the office staff and students are easy to work with and very kind. Mr. Kent said that he also likes the staff and working with students, but he also really likes working in the art room because he feels like he can genuinely help students 

When asked how long they had been subbing for SHS, Mr. Kent said he’s been working here for 5 years, while Mrs. Iverson said she has been subbing since the beginning of this school year.

The Perception of Morality

A SHS Student - November 9, 2023 

Schools typically like to imagine that their halls are free of inappropriate behavior, but many students would disagree. 

I have witnessed students fighting in classes, in lunchrooms, grabbing each other by the crotch in the hallways, shaming each other’s weight, and joking about the use of racial slurs. I have been purposefully deadnamed and misgendered, told that nobody listens to me, told that nobody wants to hear me talk, laughed at, called names, had things thrown at me, and even when people are kind, they act as if it’s out of pity.

The bullying problem in this school cannot be solved by putting up signs that say ‘Don’t bully.’ Telling bad people ‘don’t be bad’ will not make them stop being bad, for one simple fact: they do not realize they are bad people.

People seem to overlook the fact that all people are people, no matter what adjectives they have. Bad people are still people. If someone thinks you are a bad person, you’d almost definitely disagree with them, or tell them that you’re at least trying your best. Because bad is an adjective, and by virtue is subjective.

Every adjective- including that every- is subjective. You might think adjectives are objective. This means the objectivity of adjectives is subjective. But while I could go on for hours and pages about subjectivity and objectivity and adjectivity (not a word) and eventually delve into etymology, I could also show you the point.

No matter what atrocities people commit, they are still people. Every massacre, from 9/11 to the Holocaust to the creation of the atomic bomb, was caused by people who thought they were doing the right thing.

This doesn’t mean that they WERE! You get to choose your own morals, your own priorities, your own definitions of right and wrong. But the point is that everyone has their own definitions!

Bullies don’t think that they’re bullying. They think that they’re giving people what they deserve. It’s not a desire to be a bad person that fuels bad behavior, it’s a fundamental misunderstanding of what constitutes bad behavior. If you want people to have morals that align with your own, don’t just tell them ‘be good! Do it right!’ because, from their perspective, they already are.

Tell them how. And to make them listen, you have to punish them for doing it wrong.

The Power of Peer Pressure

Maci Cacse - November 5, 2023 

Peer pressure has existed throughout history and remains a powerful force influencing an individual's behaviors and decisions. It refers to the impact and influence that peers, or other people of the same age or social group have on each other. By understanding the dynamics of peer pressure, people can better navigate its influence and make better choices.

Peer pressure can manifest in both positive and negative ways. While it is often associated with negative outcomes, positive peer pressure can encourage individuals to make healthier choices. For example, a group of friends who engage in physical activity can motivate one another to live healthier lives. It often arises from the desire to conform to social norms and fit in with a particular group. Conformity can be a powerful force, pushing individuals to adopt the behaviors, attitudes, and values of their peers, even if it conflicts with their own beliefs.

Adolescence is when peer pressure is most influential as individuals strive to establish their identities. Adopting the interests and values of their peers results in altered individual development. Peer pressure also plays a crucial role in socialization. It helps individuals build bonds and a sense of belonging. These relationships can be both supportive and hurtful, depending on the nature of the group and the behaviors they encourage. Negative peer pressure can lead to risky behaviors such as substance abuse, misconduct, and bullying. The desire to conform and gain acceptance within a group can override one's better judgment, contributing to serious consequences.

Developing self-awareness is crucial for resisting negative peer pressure. When individuals understand their own values and priorities, they are better equipped to make decisions that are true to themselves. Being assertive and communicating one's feelings and boundaries are essential for managing peer pressure. It allows individuals to express their perspectives and assert their independence without damaging their relationships. Surrounding themselves with friends and peers who promote healthy behaviors and support personal growth can help avert the negative effects of peer pressure.

Peer pressure is a dangerous concept that influences our choices, behavior, and identity. Its impact varies, depending on whether it is positive or negative peer pressure. By understanding its mechanisms and learning to manage or resist it, individuals can apply the positive aspects of other's influence and shield themselves from its effects. It delineates the moral and ethical boundary between positive and negative influences from one's peers. With this in mind, how is society to draw this obscure ethical line? What constitutes positive or negative pressure? Would it be the legality, the morality, or possibly societal norms? At the heart of this question lies the moral and ethical distinction, which rests at the intersection of individual autonomy and collective influence.

Freshman Spotlight: Khloe Heater

Maci Case - October 10, 2023

In the exciting realm of high school sports, there’s a palpable enthusiasm that comes with each new season, and it’s no different at SHS. As we gear up for another thrilling year of spirited athleticism, we’ve decided to turn our attention to the fresh faces who will be making a significant impact on their respective teams. Joining this year's cheerleading team is Khloe Heater, an accomplished gymnast with an expertise in tricks and flying.

Khloe, or affectionately known as ”Coco Puffs,” journey into cheerleading was sparked by a friend's belief in her potential, and she certainly hasn't looked back. While still actively involved in competitive gymnastics, she embraced the opportunity to join the SHS cheer team and bring her skills to the squad. As a newcomer, Khloe is in the process of acclimating to the cheerleading world, and her fresh perspective promises to inject new energy into the team. Even as a freshman, her dedication to continuous improvement is evident. Khloe's commitment to cheerleading and gymnastics showcases her determination and passion for athleticism.

New to the team, Khloe was immediately thrown into flying. While she stated the stunts were not easy, Khloe said that she never had to worry about messing up. All of her teammates were extremely supportive and encouraging making her feel a lot less tense and nervous. “The team creates a positive atmosphere, making relaxing and having fun much easier,” said Khloe. Initially, Khloe viewed cheer as an obligation, but thanks to her supportive teammates and coaches, practice sessions have transformed into something she eagerly anticipates.

When Khloe talked about practices, she mentioned that cheer sessions usually follow a set pattern. They start with warm-up stretches, end with a circle where everyone shares something nice about another person, and finish up with an exciting cheer. Khloe stated that having a good connection with all of her teammates is imperative for a good performance. Having close relationships with everyone on the team promotes comfortability when performing such dangerous stunts. She said that the few times she performed were nerve-racking at first, but everyone's support and subtle encouragement gave her a boost of confidence. 

Initially, Khloe's decision to join the cheer team was influenced by a friend's suggestion that she would excel in it. However, she soon discovered its profound significance in her life. Exceptional coaches and supportive teammates have made a significant impact, uplifting everyone's spirits within the SHS cheer team. Khloe, now thriving as a cheerleader, has not only found her passion, but a community that has become like a second family to her. 

The Impact of Technology on Students

Jorge Arias- November 7, 2023 

The world is in a constant state of evolution, with new technology emerging every year. Technology has allowed students to obtain unprecedented access to information and with it, new ways to learn. However, it is not without its downsides.

One major downside is how technology can be used to cheat. ChatGPT, while it can be an effective study tool when used properly, can also be used to complete assignments entirely, promoting academic dishonesty and plagiarism. Another way technology has aided in cheating is the ability to send answers through texts or other forms of technology-based communication. 

The introduction of technology allows improved communication with all types of different people, this leads to more time being spent on devices, and in turn, stimulation of the brain, which can cause a lack of sleep, anxiety, and depression. If the brain is being over-stimulated, it can cause the user to feel overwhelmed, and exhausted.

According to the article, “How Does Technology Affect Mental Health?” published by Bradley University, “While the internet can be an agent for good in terms of education and the strengthening of interpersonal relationships, internet addiction can be problematic because it can negatively impact academic success and one’s ability to communicate effectively in person.” This further demonstrates how the usage of technology can be detrimental to teens.

While technology is crucial in day to day functioning of the modern world, it has not come without its drawbacks. For example, technology is instrumental to the function of modern education, however, it has also harbored and encouraged academic dishonesty and cheating. With this in mind, it is imperative that society take action to correct this gross miscarriage of academia and embrace solutions that simultaneously aid in student learning while limiting academic deception.

The Underlying Problems with Electric Cars

Wesley Ely - November 5, 2023 

Over the last 7 years, electric cars have been on a consistent uprise in the vehicle market. Today, almost all major car manufacturers, from Nissan to Ford, manufacture at least one electric car model. Even a few exclusively electric car companies have taken shape, the most popular of which is Tesla. For those living under a rock, Tesla is an exclusively electric vehicle manufacturer founded by Elon Musk. Now, one of Tesla’s car models, the Model Y, is the best-selling car in America, the first fully electric vehicle to achieve such a title. Being that they are marketed as  “Zero-Emission,” many have switched from their gas-guzzling cars to what they perceive as an Eco-Friendly vehicle. That, however, is not entirely the case.

Offset emissions: 

Since the first lightbulb was installed, electricity has been produced primarily by burning fossil fuels. Modern electricity production is no different. According to the  

EIA, fossil fuels generated 2,554 billion kilowatts of electricity or 60.2% of all electricity generated in 2022. In comparison, renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric, only generated 21.5% of the electricity used.     

With this in mind, it's apparent that running an electric car still produces a carbon footprint, they just don’t come from the tailpipe. Another offset emission is the production of the electric car. Damien Erst, a researcher for Liege Universite, says, “The manufacture of the battery therefore emits 0.236 [kg / kWh] x 43022 [kWh] = 10153 kg of CO2, a little more than ten tons.”(Ernst 11). In comparison, Russel Campbell says, a gasoline vehicle produces, “ Around 5.6 tones of CO2 are released during a petrol or diesel car's manufacture on average, around three quarters of which are released during production of the steel body in white.”(Campbell 7). The electric car produces almost double the carbon emissions in the battery alone. This is the primary dilemma surrounding electric vehicles. The batteries have an extremely heavy carbon footprint, both in the electricity used to charge them and the production of the battery itself.

Consumer cost:

Another factor is the initial price of an electric car. A base model Tesla Model 3 will run about $38,990. That gets you rear-wheel drive and 272 miles of range. In comparison, and Toyota Camry, with all-wheel drive and 510 miles of range will cost the buyer $30,991. $8,000 less, but double the range and AWD included. From the consumer's perspective, the Camry is the best deal, at least upfront. Furthermore, brand reputation plays a crucial role in a consumer's purchasing decision. Toyota’s reputation for producing extremely reliable vehicles. In Motor 1’s list of 12 vehicles most likely to last longer than 250,000 miles, Toyota has 6 vehicles on it, and with longer-lasting cars, consumers need to buy less often, therefore, reducing cost. 

Charging infrastructure:

Another major factor to take into account is the potential issues it may cause in regard to the power grid. From 2012 to 2022, power usage in the US increased by roughly 5%. By 2030, it's projected that power usage will increase by 18%. The US power grid, for the last 25 years, hasn't seen any major surges in consumption. So upgrades are limited and largely implemented as needed. However electric car charging puts stress on an outdated power grid designed for joint usage with fossil fuels. Solutions are expensive and take time, Kevala, a Grid analytics company, conducted a study on how much a modernized grid would cost. For California, it would cost $50 billion. While this may not seem like a lot relative to California's massive GDP, however, over the last 10 years, California has only spent $100 billion on infrastructure, or about $10 billion annually. Furthermore, adopting a better power grid would contribute to the already staggering $33 trillion national debt.

In the distant future, electric cars could see more widespread adoption. They’re fast, quiet, and safe vehicles. Right now, however, there are several major issues with the vehicles themselves, and the power grid supporting them. Until these problems are addressed, they will only cause more harm than the standard ICE(Internal combustion engine) cars society has relied on for the last 137 years.   

United States Energy Information Administration

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