
Learn all the ways students are getting involved.

Selah High School Club Advisors and Info

Art Club 



BSU (Black Student Union) 

Choir & Band 

Club Med

Competitive Gaming 



Drama Club

NHS - Advisors       Courtney Peart & Heather Gamache

FFA - Advisors       Brad Watkins & Erika Parks

Yearbook - Advisor       David Alvarez

Selah Players - Advisor  Karen Jochen

Featured Stories

FFA Nationals

Alex Johnston - December 18, 2023 

The FFA nationals, held in Indianapolis were a success for Selah this year.  Selah took 10th place, competing against teams from all over the country. One of the FFA members, Morgan Herrud, a junior at Selah High School,l said they enjoyed the event and that it was an amazing experience. 

The horse evaluation event is one that combines knowledge and experience.  During the evaluation, students evaluate and rank horses based on their breed characteristics and performance.

Other than the competition, the students had a wide range of experiences. They were able to attend workshops and were able to tour some businesses.

Club Med: Your Future Health Care Professionals

Paige Baker - December 7, 2023 

Selah High School has an eclectic range of extracurricular activities for students to partake in. One of these activities is “Club Med”. 

Club Med is a student-led group focusing on community engagement and healthcare advocacy. This club plans and engages in impactful fundraising events that extend beyond the school walls, as they are committed to making a difference. From local Red Cross blood drives to a swabbing event called “Be The Match” (a search to find possible blood marrow donors). Their initiatives greatly support local communities. 

However, Club Med doesn’t just stop at fundraising; it prepares students for promising careers in healthcare. The funds raised by Club Med go towards a state competition called HOSA (Health Occupational Students of America). HOSA prepares its competitors for real-life healthcare occupational environments through multiple specialized workshops, immersive experiences, and knowledge competitions. Behind the scenes of Club Med, students engage in rigorous studying and constant learning to prepare for the challenges that await at the state competition.

The state offers students invaluable opportunities, such as the ability to engage in hands-on learning, as well as the ability to interact with various healthcare professionals. This approach fosters a passion for healthcare within the student body and gives them the skills necessary to thrive in future health fields. 

Club Med's commitment to impactful fundraising events and the preparation of students' futures embodies Selah High School's determination for student service and educational excellence. Their efforts contribute to local communities as well as create a new generation of skilled healthcare professionals who will eventually work worldwide. 

The student president of Club Med, Taylor Aadland, voiced, “In general, I'd say that Club Med and HOSA provided me a platform to be part of an impactful community focused on helping others through healthcare. Additionally, they pushed me to participate in activities that I would have typically steered clear from and gave me something to feel proud of years from now“. Club Med offers multiple activities for the students to engage in and create lasting memories amongst themselves and their peers. Some of the member's favorite experiences are listed below. 

-Human cadaver anatomy workshop

-Collection of “Be The Match” swabs 

-Helping donors during blood drives

-Competing in their chosen HOSA events 

-Creating new memories and friendships with those who share interests 

The club advisors, Mrs.Gamache, Ms.Peart, and Ms.Rodriquez, have a role that exceeds supervision; they serve as a mentor, an educator, and a supporter of the student’s aspirations within healthcare. With her experience in the field, Heather Gamache leads the club towards excellence, offering insights and resources to advance the students’ knowledge. 

A note from Heather Gamache, “Hello, everyone! I'm thrilled to share the incredible initiatives of our CTSO HOSA Club Med, led by our amazing students. Within our club, our young leaders are making a real difference in our community. From engaging in impactful projects like Be The Match to their active participation in competitions, our students truly embody dedication and service.”

Our students take charge, leading various projects that benefit the community. For instance, our involvement with Be The Match showcases our commitment to making a positive impact on others' lives, highlighting our passion for community service.

Moreover, our students don't just stop at service—they also take ownership in competitions. Their active engagement and dedication in these events reflect their eagerness to learn, grow, and excel in healthcare and related fields.

In essence, our students' enthusiasm, dedication, and impact within our club and the broader community are truly remarkable. They are not just participants; they are leaders driving meaningful change.

March 2023 HOSA competitors. 

Empowerment Through M.E.Ch.A

Dayanara Zuniga - September 14, 2023

A club at SHS that doesn't get enough attention is MEChA, a small but impactful club that deserves more recognition. MEChA(Chicano/a Student Movement of Aztlán) is an organization of students with different racial and ethnic backgrounds that come together to build strength, just as the motto says, “La Union Hace La Fuerza.”

Selah’s MEChA club was founded in 2018 when former student Solimar Fabian witnessed inequities within the school district. Solimar’s determination to found MEChA came with obstacles, however, she eventually rallied enough support from school leadership. Selah’s MEChA club was the first in the district to have 70 students signed up. This high number can be attributed to the atmosphere MEChA created, a place to fit in and to express themselves without feeling judged.

The MEChA club currently has 20 active members with club advisors Kimberly Mendoza and Enrique Gudino. Together, they foster an environment that creates a strong impact on students bringing them closer together. As one student puts it, “I feel like being a member of MEChA has introduced me to a new family that I get to become a part of '' -Ahlia Eustaquio. The club builds its family mentality through fundraisers that promote individual cultural backgrounds, such as selling pan dulce, agua frescas, and fruit. Whether it’s cutting fruit after school in the staff lounge or selling products at games, students get the opportunity to connect with one another. The funds raised are reinvested into the club, supporting various expenses, including college visits. Last year, club members had the chance to visit the University of Washington. While there, they had the opportunity to tour the campus and meet students from other schools. The advisors believe taking their students to different schools helps promote higher education in the Latino community, empowering students to manifest their own college aspirations. “It unites Latinos to attain the same goal”, “Latinos unidos, nunca podran ser vencidos” translation: “united Latinos will not be divided” -Laura Perez

SHS’s MEChA club advocates for minority voices by providing a platform for the Latino community to spread awareness about their culture in an enjoyable and effective way. “I appreciate every second being with my peers, it means a lot to me, especially as president, it’s important to me to make the club as welcoming as possible.” Club president, Jocelynn Orozco. The inclusivity this club offers will resonate with the students for a lifetime and embed the importance of cultural identity for future generations. “The students feel like they have a sense of empowerment by having a place where they feel they belong,” Advisor, Kimberly Mendoza. The MEChA club fosters a sense of belongingness and educates students about the importance of inclusiveness and cultural identity. 

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join the MEChA club here at SHS, club meetings are held every Thursday at 7:10 a.m. in room 100B.

Club advisors: Kimberly Mendoza and Enrique Gudino.

FCCLA LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl Team Takes on the Competition

Natalie Keller - April 14, 2023

  What do credit scores, fire extinguishers, and the Federal Trade Commission have in common? These are all topics the FCCLA LifeSmarts team might be quizzed on during their knowledge bowl competitions. This team is made up of five members- juniors Hannah Rees, Indiana Hilmes, Macie Ladd, and Hannah Christianson and senior Natalie Keller.

Over the course of the school year, this team has been competing in a series of knowledge bowl competitions reminiscent of Jeopardy. During the competitions, the team is quizzed on topics including health and safety, environment, personal finance, technology, and consumer rights.

In July, prior to the start of the school year, the girls traveled to FCCLA’s National Leadership Conference in San Diego, California to compete against teams from across the country. The team ended up placing third, which was a major accomplishment.

“It felt so good!” Indiana Hilmes said, “It was like everything we’d worked for was finally starting to pay off.”

They continued their winning streak in November when they traveled to Columbus, Ohio to compete at FCCLA’s National Fall Conference. At this competition, the team placed in the top 16. This qualified them to compete at nationals in Denver, Colorado over the coming summer.

Now, the team is preparing to compete at the National LifeSmarts Championships in Cincinnati, Ohio in late April. 

On these trips, they have had plenty of opportunities to bond as a group.

“I genuinely love all the girls I’m competing with,” Hannah Christianson said, “we are friends in real life, so it makes it easier communicating and working together.”

Additionally, all five team members have acquired invaluable knowledge and skills.

“I’ve learned too much to measure from LifeSmarts,” Hannah Rees said, “everything from cooking safety to budgeting and so much more to prepare me for adult life.”

Archived Stories

"Be The Match" Offers a Chance to Give Back

The Ultimate Compilation of SHS Clubs

DECA: More Than a Business and Marketing Club

Selah FFA Ready for Annual Apple Stand Contest