Positive Youth Development

Greetings SEED Community,

Positive youth development (PYD) is an approach to working with youth that emphasizes building on youths’ strengths, providing supports, opportunities and putting interventions in place to best support student growth. All while still providing a structured environment in which students are able to engage in social development and receive social-emotional learning that will help transition them into adulthood in a productive and healthy way. Welcome to our 2021/2022 year and we look forward to working with you all.

-Mrs. Alexis Boyd

Senior Dean of Students

Your one-stop shop for all your pyd resources


Lead Dean of Students


S.H.E/K.I.N.G Programming Advisor

Upper School Dean Advisor


Dean of Students


Middle School Dean Advisor


Dean of Students


Hip Hop Academy Advisor

Intervention Specialist

Welcome back to school scholars!

SEED Store Menu (2).pdf


Items are purchased using Kickboard Points!

** Coming in September**

Student Engagement

Positive Youth Development aims to support students and families through programing and strategic supports to engage students in SEEDs 24 hour learning experience. Here you will find information regarding programs available such as S.H.E/KING Committee activities, PAL (Police Athletic League) workshops and Hip Hop Academy interventions.

We are excited to announce that we will be using Kickboard in our school this year to help build an environment of positivity, accountability, and responsible decision-making. Kickboard is a digital tool used by teachers, SL counselors and administrators to reinforce positive behavior choices in real time and to promote school-wide consistency in expectations.

on campus student EXPECTATIONS

CELL PHONE POLICY 2020_2021 (1).pdf

Cell Phone Policy

Seed school of maryland uniform policy (1).pdf

SEED'S Uniform Policy 2021/2022


Student Conduct Policy

Student Safety Expectations .pdf

SEED Saftey Policy

Our team is dedicated to supporting your family throughout this unique time of learning. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact our team for support on the form below.