Everyday language

These language activities can be completed during everyday tasks- such as completing chores, eating meals, playing, getting dressed, showering, etc.

Activity #1: Following directions during everyday tasks. Give your student a multi-step direction, such as tie your shoes and put on your jacket. IF your student is having difficulty with this, break down the direction into smaller parts and repeat information that is missed.

Activity #2: Identifying & Labeling Common Objects in your environment by name, function (what it does), category, similarities, and/or differences. This may be depending on where your student currently is. Do not hesitate to challenge your student to the next level by giving additional support! --- You may need to give a field of two choices.

Activity #3: Answering wh-questions such as what, where, when, who, why. These questions can be asked during play, stories, and everyday activities, such as eating. For example, what are you eating? Who are you eating with? When do you eat breakfast? Or when you are reading a story to talk about characters, setting, etc.

Activity #4: Expanding Sentence Length. Instead of using single words either verbally, on a device, or signing- encourage your child to use more words. Your student can use size (big/small), emotions, colors, quantity, etc. Carrier phrases may also be used such as "I want", "I feel", "I have." For example, if your student said "ball" --> You can model "I want the ball" "The blue ball" "There are many balls but I like the yellow, small ball the best" (depending on your student's level)