Karina Camacho

Karina is a 2nd year Master of Public Policy student at the University of California Berkeley. Her passion for environmental justice stems from her upbringing in the Inland Empire, a region east of Los Angeles. Inland Empire residents are at the frontline of the climate crisis dealing with poor air quality and excessive heat.

She completed her undergraduate studies in Criminology/Law & Society and International Studies from the University of California Irvine. Her academic experience provides her with a global perspective in analyzing climate policies and environmental impacts on communities worldwide.

Prior to becoming a UC3 Fellow, Karina interned at the California Energy Commission helping staff incorporate energy equity into their work. She also has 4 years of work experience in public health advocacy. As part of her UC3 fellowship, she will be working with the Climate & Environmental Justice Subcommittee of the UC Systemwide Climate Change Working Group. Karina is collaborating on a best practices guideline for incorporating climate justice into action plans for developing climate justice principles across the policy field. She also outreaches to staff, faculty, students and other stakeholders regarding policy language.