邢嘉力 Jiali's Personal Website
Welcome to my site!
I'm a fifth-year PhD student in the DSL (Distributed System Lab) and Computer and Information Science Department at University of Pennsylvania! Before coming to Penn, I finished my Master of Science in Economics and Computation (MSEC) at Duke University in 2020.
I am fortunate to be advised by Vahid Tarokh (before I transferred to Penn) and Benjamin C. Lee. My research interests lie in the intersection of Distributed Systems, Architecture, and Economics.
My GitHub Page
My email address is: xjiali at seas.upenn.edu
[NSDI'25] We propose Rajomon, an efficient and scalable overload control system for microservices. This is a joint work with Akis, Paul, Shuyue, Justin, Henri, Konstantinos, and Ben.
Our work at Meta about sustainable datacenter power management is also under review.
We have also worked on Hybrid Resource Fairness, for the microarchitecture resource allocation.
Previously, David Fischer, Nitya Labh, Ryan Piersma, Benjamin C. Lee, Yu Amy Xia, Tuhin Sahai, Vahid Tarokh, we have wrote Talaria, a simulator for Permissioned Blockchain. Source code available.
When I was young (•◡•) /
[1] "Older job seekers received fewer job offers than younger job seekers. Only using a profile photo with a younger appearance reduced this bias."
About Me:
Here is my CV: