Which class Should You Choose?

If you are still a little unsure which class to sign up for, click through the options below to get a taste of what is possible in the future if you continue down one of these pathways in computer science.

The next war could be fought without bullets

Each year millions of people have the identities stolen by hackers. Corporations, governments, and utility providers are under constant threat of attack. State-sponsored and independent hackers are a constant threat to our privacy and security, both individually and collectively. In fact, it is believed that the next global war could be a cyber war with no bullets at all. If this sounds intriguing to you, consider signing up for Cybersecurity.

there's an app for that...Maybe

One of Apple's claims used to be that they have an app for everything on the iPhone. But is that claim really true? There have certainly been thousands of apps developed and released on the App Store and Google Play, but there are certainly still apps waiting to be developed to meet the needs of businesses and individuals. Maybe you will create the next big app! If this sounds intriguing to you, consider signing up for Mobile App Development.

prevent the robopocalypse...or lead it!

A popular trope in science fiction is that the world will end when robots take over and eliminate humanity. Whether this is true or not is yet to be seen. What we do know is robots make our lives easier...from manufacturing cars, to making our food, to mowing our lawns. Designing and programming a robot to perform a specific task can be challenging and exciting. Who knows, maybe you'll design the robot that finally takes over the world. If this is intriguing to you, consider signing up for Robotics.

Bring your imagination to life

If you play video games, you have surely come across a level or part of a game that you wish was just a little bit different. You might have even thought of a way to change it that you know would make the game so much better. Maybe you have a great idea for a new game that you wish someone would make so you could play. Why wish and vainly hope someone else will make your dream game. Bring your imagination come to life and make your own video game. If this idea sounds intriguing, consider signing up for Video Game Development.

still not sure...start here

So you have read all the descriptions for the different classes and still are not sure which one you like more. That's fine. With so many choices, it can often be overwhelming, especially when you have never tried to do any of these things before. Our programming class is a great starting point if you are not sure what area of computer science interests you more. We will cover the basics of programming and computer science as well as give you a small taste of some of the other disciplines within computer science like cybersecurity and video game design. Sign up for Programming if you just want to test the waters in computer science and explore many of the cool things you can do once you know a little bit of coding.