Courses Offered

Click on the course name below to learn more about the courses we hope to offer for the 2021-2022 school year. Please note that all computer science courses are full year classes.

Our ability to offer these classes will depend on the number of students interested in enrolling in these classes. Class sizes will be limited though. Preference will be given to older students and then on a first come, first serve basis.

All of these first year courses will include basic programming skills and an overview of computer science, as well as the more content specific material that the course names suggest. You will dive deeper into each of these content areas if you choose to take the second and third years of these course pathways in later years.

Disclaimer: The course descriptions below are meant to be representative of what you will learn in these classes. The content of the actual courses are subject to change to better align with state standards and other constraints.


This introductory course will introduce you to the basics of programming, computer science, and cybersecurity. Hackers are always looking for vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks. To stop a hacker, you will have to learn to think like a hacker. In this course, we will learn the importance of cybersecurity and how to stop hackers from stealing our personal information. In subsequent years, you will prepare for certifications that can lead to lucrative career opportunities in the field of cybersecurity.

mobile app development

This introductory course will introduce you to the basics of programming, computer science, and mobile app development. Smartphones are everywhere. They are many times more powerful than the computers that put man on the moon! Their true power comes from apps that can run on these powerful devices to perform specific tasks. In this course, you will learn how to build a website and make it responsive on mobile devices using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. In subsequent years, you will expand your knowledge and learn to build stand alone mobile apps.


This introductory course will introduce you to the basics of programming and computer science primarily using the Python programming language. This class is meant as a broad, introductory class in computer science. You will learn how to write simple computer programs to perform specific tasks, build simple video games, explore the world of physical computing by using code to control things in the physical world, and more. You will get to sample many of the topics and ideas found in all the other computer science classes we offer. If you are not sure which class to take, this is a great choice for a first computer science class. In future years, you will learn to build more complex computer programs and be introduced to different programming languages.


This introductory course will introduce you to the basics of programming, computer science, and robotics. Robots are widely used in manufacturing to speed up the manufacturing process. Increasingly robots are finding their way into other industries and even our homes. In this course, you will first learn to control a virtual robot and then build and control a physical robot using Vex, a popular robotics platform for learning the basics of robotics. In future years, you will learn to build more complex robots using an array of different sensors.

video game development

This introductory course will introduce you to the basics of programming, computer science, and video game development. Playing a video game you love can be rewarding. Making your own video games can be even more rewarding. In this course, we will learn how to take an initial game idea and turn it into a 2d game using Unity's Game Development Platform. You will learn how to bring the game out of your head and onto the screen in front of you. In subsequent years, you will improve upon your skills and start building your own 2d and 3d games.