What is the 8th Grade Project?

The 8th Grade Project is an opportunity for your child to gain invaluable experience planning and executing a year-long project. The project is designed to allow freedom and exploration within a field or topic of interest combined with the opportunity to share the findings with the eighth grade class. Students are asked to plan a long-term project, journey beyond the cloister of Seabury Hall, and return to the campus as performers, teachers, inventors, and innovators.

What are the requirements of the 8th Grade Project?

During the Fall Semester, students are expected to write on their chosen topic. During the Spring Semester, students will extend their topic by envisioning and executing a physical project and present their findings to an audience of their peers and teachers.

How can I help my son or daughter complete the research paper?

It would be best to make sure he or she is on task and meeting all of his or her deadlines.