Examples of "Ramps"

The above link shows examples of "Ramps" from seniors that went to a school in California called Thatcher. Mr. Walsh attended a workshop there in the summer of 2015. While these are seniors, the 8th Grade Team still sees these as solid examples of what 8th Graders should emulate.

As a reminder:

The Ramp is your opportunity to sell the audience on the topic and the message of your project. This is a hook that captures your audience and serves as an opening for your presentation. It may require you to do some additional research depending on which path you choose to take. Be creative and have fun creating this part of the presentation. There are four main ways to create The Ramp for your presentation, and students can use any of these, or any combination of these:

  1. “You” – Try to make your message meaningful to your audience. Put them in the situation where they can visualize the importance or your topic.
  2. “Imagine” – Ask the audience to imagine a hypothetical or real event that illustrates the importance of the topic.
  3. “Shocking Numbers” – Give your audience shocking or interesting statistics that help give weight to your topic.
  4. “Storytelling” – Telling a story lends magnitude to your topic. Be sure that your story has rising action, climactic moment, and a resolution.