Allied III

LocalxSociety Internship

What is a precedence analysis?
Precedence analysis held significant importance for me as it served as a fundamental learning tool rooted in established architectural practices. Without access to an extensive library of references, developing a cohesive architectural language or finding inspiration becomes notably challenging. This exercise was meticulously designed to facilitate a systematic examination of each building within a given framework, enabling me to discern recurring patterns and distinctive approaches inherent in various architectural endeavors.
My objective through this exercise was not to critique the feasibility of buildings, programs, or their success, but rather to concentrate on spatial analytical aspects exclusively. I was tasked with independently conducting an analysis encompassing design strategies, tactics, spatial evaluations, and quality assessments for the assigned buildings.

Design Tactics implemented

Spatial Evaluation done by me

Paris, France
Precedence Analysis and Research

Barcelona, Spain
Precedence Analysis and Research

Madrid, Spain
Precedence Analysis and Research

Lisbon, Portugal
Precedence Analysis and Research


My Team