Specialization II

Urban Information Systems and GIS

Forest as Trails


 The forest as Trails responds to the requirements of the stakeholders of Aarey. It acts as a node for a pause in the larger trails conducted by various bodies to understand the forest and those who live in it, both human and non-human.  The concept of trails is integral to the process of design and explores how the surrounding can be connected to the site.  To explore this idea of trails, 3 concepts were employed. The concept of nodes is imagined as points on the map for rest, pause, learn, and produce.  Pathways as a concept emerged as a way to connect various nodes within the site and experience the various bodies on site.  To respond to the site, which is understood as a being that is under constant change,  the concept of modules is employed. Modules or the idea of expansion and contraction can respond to the demands of the season while remaining temporary and permanent as and when required. 



The process began by exploring various possibilities of expansion and contraction.  These were to make walls and roofs foldable or expandable. This idea incorporates the idea of retaining the old. The structures on site which are in usable condition were tweaked to accommodate various programmes namely,  the nursery, cafe with a kitchen, shops, a resource centre and workshops where visitors could learn pottery or carpentry. 



Bamboo Roof Details Folding Wall Detail


Overall Isometric Plan