Building Making

Community Unit at Goregaon, Mumbai

Building Making 

Shreeraj - Narwade | Semester 6 | 2023-24

Course Outline 

This course will equip the students to carry out detailed development and refinement of building design through technical resolution of structural systems, material performance and experience, member assembly, threshold-enclosure details and process of construction. The student is expected to comprehensively resolve the design from concept to actualization and generate a construction documentation set along with specifications, quantities and estimation.

Site, Site Forces & Context

Design Intent & Spatial Detail

Entries and Gateways - Series of Folds at particular angles morphing the entries & gateways into the site, which accomodate walking, sitting, inhabitation of multiple types

Conceptual Design (Design Drawings)

Construction Process Flip Book

Construction Management and Planning (Site Management Plan, CPM and Bar Chart)

Construction Documentation (Portfolio Drawings)