Bimbisar Nagar

P/S Ward, Goregaon, Mumbai

Pre Construction Processes

Building Making


Client and Site

Bimbisar Nagar, Goregaon , Mumbai


Brief, Scope & Programme


Procurement of Land and Finance - Feasibility Assessment 

The land shall be acquired by the BMC from the private owner for the purpose of constructing the above programmes, since the plot is reserve for open space and education NGOs will facilitate the project by conducting focus group discussions with the community towards the creation of self help groups , conducting feasibility study and design drawing.


Survey of Land Site Demarcation Contour Survey 

Total stations will be used for the survey of the site,  existing structures , trees, levels and existing services.  Datums will be marked on site with the help of existing structures. 


Conceptual Design & Estimates 

Conceptual designs shall be produced on the basis local knowledge that comes into play at the site , understanding their patterns and then integrating it to design. This comes about through observing specific socio-spatial practices on the site to get a  description of its lived spatial detail. These observations formulates the context for its institution, programmatically as well as typologically .

Rs.2500 per square feet shall be considered an estimate on the basis of the ready reckoner rate. 


Finalisation of Design - First Approval from Clients 

Finalization of design shall be based on prioritization of  the various issues faced by the stakeholders. 


Approval Drawings  

Approval drawings will be created by the architect to ensure that the areas are within the approvable limits and the building is within the regulations of the DCPR 2034.  The drawings include area calculations, dimensions of side and front open spaces, the height of the building and FSI calculations 


Design Detailing in coordination with Structural and MEP consultants 

Mechanical, electrical, plumbing consultants and structural engineers will give their valuable inputs regarding the structural design of the building which includes  depth of foundation, sizes of columns, thickness of the slab, details of reinforcement etc. if any specific mechanical systems are used, they are provided by the MEP consultants including electrical diagrams and  plumbing layouts. (water supply, waste water, sewage systems) 

9 & 10

Building Making Drawings


Specification & Bill of Quantities & Estimation

In the design approach, diverse elements are harmonized by integrating them into a concentric grid. This grid serves to not only add visual interest but also enhance functional flexibility. By organizing materials, textures, and spatial arrangements within the grid, dynamic compositions are created that captivate the eye and offer adaptability in functionality. Through this method, a balance between aesthetics and practicality is achieved, ensuring that the designs are both visually captivating and functionally efficient.

Madhuresh Adhate 

The side walk accounts for various activities that goes on the site. The design concept emerges from integrating the sidewalk into the design. By using ramps, the sidewalk is woven into the site making it one enormous track that connects the entire design. The ramps then serve multifunctional purposes, transforming into terrace, hawking spaces, cycling/ jogging tracks, kid's play area, nurseries and more. Acting as a focal point they offer moments of leisure amidst activities, pause points. The ramps are designed by setting some self-imposed rules that determine the length, turns through which various spaces emerge in which the built form exists, resulting in a fusion of form and function. 

Parth  Agrawal

The concept of 'Play of Varying Floor Levels' draws inspiration from the idea of 'hide of seek'. It centers on the strategic use of diverse floor levels and wall heights to introduce dynamic perspectives and disrupt visual continuity. This manipulation of spatial elements fosters playful environments with multifaceted viewpoints, inviting occupants to engage in a spectrum of experiences Through the deliberate adjustment of window sill heights and visual connections, the space encourages organic movement and interaction, enriching the user experience. The interconnectedness of these varied floor levels is enhanced by step-like seating arrangements, serving as versatile zones for gathering and rest. By integrating playful design elements with functional aspects, the space not only stimulates curiosity and exploration but also facilitates moments of social interaction. 

Shreyash Bharmal

The concept of "Walls as infrastructure" revolves around utilizing the thickness and volume of walls to shape social spaces between them, facilitating free circulation. By varying the thickness and volume of walls, it creates experiential spaces such as corridors and sitting areas, while also forging visual connections between different spaces. These thicker walls serve as both structural elements and functional components, shaping the spatial experience and promoting interaction. This creates a sense of openness within the space.

Nidhi Bhoir

The design concept originates from the notion of play forms, where spaces are reimagined to challenge conventional architectural elements. By manipulating these elements, it creates forms that interact with spatial configurations, offering diverse experiences at both human and larger-than-human scales. These intermixing of configured spaces then allow for playful experience to emerge subtly in how you inhabit the nuances of protrusions and extensions to the built. 

Aditya Bhoite 

Different sizes of plinths affords different activities, portraying the plinth as a public space and exploring how can the plinth or this new topography help in providing a better public space.Creating a new ground line by working on a grid with the help of undulating flat surfaces acting as a community space on the top, while introducing toilet, balwadi below the surface and maintaining a sense of materiality with respect to the site. The plinth has been weaved into holding the services, different activities such as playing, parking, gathering, learning, etc. The plinth thickens - thins, becomes narrow or broad molding itself to provide for the activities. Staircases also tend to emerge from the plinth providing a space for the community to sit and chat.

Devvratsingh Chauhan 

The built-form extends into permanent extensions in form of seats, railings and chaja not only in materialistic way but also increases the  affordances to provide pause points, leisure space and safety. The temporal extensions allows transformations of spaces through human interventions as its larger intent. These makes the form of building dynamic in nature as it changes with space and time. The unit built for the community challenges the idea of a building having certain stakeholders after it is completed. Thus transferring the power to the community itself which allows generation of belonging and feeling of home by having operable extensions. 

Swara Chavan

Jali an ornamental framework or screen, plays a more significant role in structuring areas. Beyond its aesthetic purpose, it transforms into functional storage and sitting areas. By strategically positioning jali panels,  create continuous transitions that connect different zones. These porous barriers encourage interaction and spatial exploration, creating a sense of continuity and flow. With this thorough integration, jali becomes a navigational tool, directing the people on a seamless path through the structure. 

Vijay Chavan


Kankana Choudhary

The concept of the built forms emerged from the ideas of how a space is created through expansion of thresholds . The expansions are created by merging of grids at different angles that allows interesting spaces to be created. To showcase this concept more visually the methodology allows for more visual engagement of the concept. The use of pre cast beams allows the structure to have a range of beams merged together that shows, exactly how two girds merge together, similarly the columns are placed in similar manner supporting the beams. 

Rishab Debnath

Allowing the merge between the rigid spaces and two different functionality of space by making a simple puncture throught walls and soft corners. louvered wooden windows permiability bwtween the inside outside. the gallis and siting spaces makes it alive. visually and by experience in all seasons constantly connecting the inside out by using different materials like exposed brick , wooden windows and earth. trees with dense foliage coveres up the terrace. 

Kavya Gada

The courtyard serves as a gathering place. Where adjusting their spatial boundaries by pulling and pushing edges creates diversity. Intermediate courtyards, expanding in size, establish this hierarchy. Larger courtyards become focal points for gatherings and activities, while smaller ones offer intimate settings. This size variation fosters diverse spatial experiences. Visual connectivity is enhanced, guiding movement and engagement with the built environment. Intermediate courtyards swell up, which promote hierarchy of courtyard. 

Aditi Gaikwad

The trees on the site cast shifting shadows throughout the day, creating temporary shaded spots which serve as resting point for passerby, with some becoming seating areas. where the surrounding walls are lowered to provide comfortable seating for people to rest. In accordance with the sun's trajectory walls are crafted with intricate jalis placed strategically at specific locations, orientations, and inclination. This design enables the modulation of light resulting in pockets of space characterized by a blend of shadow and illumination.

Unnati Gandhi

The courtyard serves as a gathering place. Where adjusting their spatial boundaries by pulling and pushing edges creates diversity. Intermediate courtyards, expanding in size, establish this hierarchy. Larger courtyards become focal points for gatherings and activities, while smaller ones offer intimate settings. This size variation fosters diverse spatial experiences. Visual connectivity is enhanced, guiding movement and engagement with the built environment. Intermediate courtyards swell up, which promote hierarchy of courtyard. 

Janvi Gupta

A courtyard serves as a dynamic interstitial space nestled between surrounding structures, often facilitating the flow of activities and interactions. It acts as a transitional zone between different functions or programs within a built environment, fostering a sense of community and providing a shared public realm. Courtyards can also seamlessly integrate with the natural elements of the site, merging with the softscape and landscape features to create a harmonious environment. 

Ruchi Kalantri

The concept of folds made by different elements creating an interplay of spaces. Push and pull of various levels and heights within these folds generates pockets of space both within and extending beyond the structure that form social spaces. . A sloping roof to the south and skylights on the north with the folds created by the elements make an interesting play of light. 

Kaumudi Karwande

Creating playspaces through interjection, projection, and elimination of walls. The nature of space responds better to the behavior of kids. Their inquisitive nature of peeping and exploration influences the design. Niches and subtle tweaks in the otherwise standard walls enhance my attempt to increase children's engagement with the community center. 

Ananya Khandagale

The initial design concept was inspired by the idea of peeling away layers of the landscape to create pockets beneath, guided by tangents influenced by the site's forces. These tangents intersected to form various spatial configurations. As the individual programs demanded specific spatial qualities, they naturally integrated within these geometries. The concept of 'pocketization' in a dense urban environment aims to provide opportunities for discovering degrees of intimacy, catering to both children, who are the primary users, and adults who engage with the cultural and utilitarian spaces present. 

The idea of building as a cabinet was portrayed as few spaces of the builtform itself opened and closed to create affordances in ways like space efficiency, as when not in need the structure closes up to create allies for convenient movement around the space. The shops open up in front of the road during the day time to facilitate transactions with the surroundings. The boundary wall of the structure itself flips open and closes to form visual connect, seatings, play spaces, neeches etc with the surroundings. This way it invites the public into the space and facilitates the localisation agenda. Somewhere the wall itself becomes a cabinet that opens up where the panels become the seating or the shade of the shop. 

Heeya Mashru

The volume of the buildings create  thin, narrow and long alleys. The width of these alleys is further shortened by garbage and parking space. These alleys are occupied mostly by children and women. Children use these alleys for intimate conversations whereas they play physical games in the playground nearby where the openess of the space permits it. The volumes and proximities created by the structures in the vicinity and various other objects afford certain activities, thus affording certain behaviours and eventually creating the experience of the space

Avi Mendpara

The buildings acts as thresholds between the road -with its rush and density- and the driftness of the ground. Thresholds here are the spaces where one starts experiencing change, a place on the verge of two distinct systems. Pathways leading to the ground go through the communal buildings. These communal buildings become the 'detours'- as recess spaces in the form of seatings, gathering spaces, play areas, shops and libraries. They provoke pauses, rest, conversations and leisure.

Neha Mhadolkar

Walls as operators have a significant impact on space, depending on their nature which in this case is defined considering factors like height, thickness, no. of punctures their density and type, position from existing spaces of publicness one can create, position and plan spaces catering to existing bodies (human, animal, nature) and activities while having their own programmatic intentions in mind.This positioning is derived from the existing degree of publicness on site created by human, non-human, landscape elements.And while doing these things one needs to be aware on a macro level that the space doesn't obstruct but allows more access towards already existing public spaces on site. 

Gradations of walls

Nishadh More

The idea of 'line meeting a curve' and creating small pockets. Pockets can be adapted by the people according to their needs like, small meetings can be held, temporary food stalls can be installed, children can have group study. The pockets are created around the trees existing on site which provides natural shade, making it comfortable to spend more time there, so tired people can also take rest there in the shade. These pockets are created along a pathway which connects two parallel lanes making it convenient for the people passing by.

Mayuri Naik

The incorporation of steps and ramps has a fundamental as well as aesthetical aspect to the design. It provides a circulation and flow and also makes themselves focal points at places. It leads users to specific functions, as traditional ramps and stairs do, and these become the function to experience itself, which adds visual interest and depth to the design. It also offers a more inclusive means of movement, ensuring accessibility to indivisuals with disabilities or mobility limitations.

Shreeraj Narwade

“Semi-open places under trees blur the lines between inside and outside”: This creates a sense of connection with nature, making the corridor feel more inviting and less like a sterile passage. It also provides shade and a natural gathering point for residents. Comfortable seating scattered throughout the corridor , this encourages people to linger, chat, or simply relax, fostering a sense of community and casual interaction. “The organic flow breaks from rigid linearity, encouraging exploration and a sense of discovery”:  Instead of a straight, predictable path, the corridor takes on an unexpected, flowing design. This creates a sense of intrigue, making people want to explore the different “micro-destinations” within the corridor.

The Evolving Corridor  

The builtform revolves around using fragmented structures to form together an open, semi open and closed space, creating a sense of expansiveness. Structures are placed in fragments and the programes are placed in a rhythm, allowing for the creation of courtyards amidst the buildings, which in turn envelop trees. Arranging sections in a rhythmic manner not only enhances visual experience but also improves functionality and ease of movement within the space. Exposed brick walls, glass walls and concrete columns invites engagement through the building. The terraces follow the rhythm of these fragments, seamlessly connecting them into a unified structure. 

Ayush Patil

The built form transforms the backyard into a balanced place, merging nature and comfort. Where the backyard becomes spacious and enhances intimacy and widens up for seating spaces and interactions, connecting the various structures of the building. The larger backyards become focal points for gatherings and activities, while smaller ones offer intimate settings creating a place for socializing and offering space for relaxation. 

One main wall which acts is the skin of the program wraps commonly around all the programs which has niches and punctures in them which increases the transitional capacity of the wall by creating spaces for seating and having having furniture embedded in the wall itself. The varying heights of the wall also defines the openess or intimacy of the space. Balconies jutting out from the main wall act acts as a space for interaction. These balconies also acts as a pathway from the programs on the first floor. The low height of this gathering spaces affords habitable spaces beneath them. The user on entering the space gets an experience of entering from a narrower space into a more open space. The jaali wall helps provide a visual connect between the inside and outside and also merges with the surroundings.

Shaurya Pawar 

The idea of pockets gets interesting as these semi- enclosed spaces which are open to public throughout can be inhabited by people in their own ways, without defining even the function of these spaces. By creating smaller pockets on the facades of the building, it opens up the site to the public and softens the edge inviting the community to inhabit these spaces. This idea of smaller pockets continues inside the entire community center and other programs and creates gatherings spaces / waiting areas, sitting spaces etc. 

Samkit Racca 

The project has the idea of deconstruction and disintegration of walls by inducing cone of visions. To enable more visual access through one of these, the staircase is designed by cantilevering each tread and allowing the slits in between for it to act as a fenestration. Two builtforms-specifically the temple and the balcony are juxtaposed for the railing and balusters to continue as fenestrations to the temple. 

Lohtiha Rao

The larger idea of the project begin through the layer of spiritual and community gathering in the intimate spaces formed on site. The spaces formed around footpaths, and smaller plinths around trees and sidewalks form the hotspots for these smaller gatherings.In the project, the programs and the pathways including the walkway exhibits a free-flowing form around the existing trees.The experiences of meandering around different programmes through the trees fosters play of light, wind and free movement. Especially around the nursery the usage of steel columns and streel trusses gives the lightness to the structure but at the same time the usage of exposed bricks blends the form with the landscape palette and overtime will respond to the surrounding climate. The walkway also overlooks the playground and the larger open ground which also creates a playful environment  

Sahil Sawant

The concept of thoroughfare, the spatial connectivity through the strategic integration of vaults and arch walls, this element not only defines the space but also contributes to a comprehensive sense of enclosure and openness. Additionally, of aerial bridge enhances the connectivity to the programme/space creating a cohesive experience. With a series of arched walls that serve as both the entry point from the road and provide hawking space, while also walls functioning as storage spaces. Merge the surrounding landscape seamlessly into the space, creating a natural flowing experience through the space around it. 

Jai Shah

The scale of the builtform gradually increases while one moves forward in the space, where often one level leads to another forming a playscape. Spaces formed under, above, adjacent to the horizontal plane craft different experiences. Each plane provides a different experience from other in terms of its scale and height and views. The low heighted space formed below a mezzanine floor allows for intimacy, and thus forming a silent space for people to occupy. While the mezzanine floor allows for interaction with the surrounding spaces. These various planes at different heights, create a terrain to walk and also allows for vertical interaction between levels. 

Prarthna Shah

The steps on the roof serve as a dynamic focal point seamlessly integrating with the building’s design while inviting engagement from both occupants and passersby. These steps also encourage impromptu gatherings. Their placements foster connectivity between different building levels, bridging the gap between the indoor and the outdoor spaces. 

Vidhi Shah

The idea of built form as a terrain feeds the building, the steps grow from the ground taking you to the upper floor while you climb the seating-steps-stairs combination. This gives numerous opportunities of creating various pause points on the steps through platforms and ‘otlas’ round vegetation or creating patterns in steps that become activity generators and resting spaces. By including seating areas and vegetation, scale is lowered at certain points.

Varun Shetty

The ramp which runs through the entire structure intends to provide a pathway-like experience with programs happening underneath/above it. The community hall specifically intends to increase walkability from the ground up, going through varying levels creating spaces of different heights in the hall itself. The steel column structure for the ramp facilitates a thoroughfare throughout the periphery of the site affording a possible urban space and a potential to create temporal structures using the said columns. 

Gargi Somani

Interlocking of blocks creates a form and repetitive pattern which creates symmetry. Pillars across the space creates a connectivity through pathways .They support the weight of the structure and serves intricate carving . The usage of red stone evoke a sense of tradition with usage of masonry and different facades with a experience of space .The intricate use of red stone technology creates a space that's not just functional but transcendent . 

Vedija Thakre

A sloping roof creates a sense of experience by enveloping a space with its sheltering form, providing a heightened perspective, establishing public space and fostering connectivity with the outside through the usage of brick jali walls .A brick jali wall creates a unique experience by blending privacy with ventilation and natural light. By offering a sense of openness while maintaining a degree of separation. 

Aashika Thole

Walls and openings form various kinds of frames; crafting spaces with shifting degrees of porosity, publicness, accessibility and inhabiting nature of the space.

Every space exhibits multiple degrees of openness which alters the experience of the space. Different levels and other structural features offer the liberty to occupy the space in any desired manner. A space is always contained in boundaries(of different forms). This project also contains in-between spaces surrounded by closed spaces-acting as boundaries, which become the gathering /pause spaces for the hustle around the site.

These in-between spaces are a part of the pathway, which goes along connecting all the spaces, that shrinks and grows around the nodes and edges. Other communal features which further localizes the unit are multiple plinths around trees and kattas/benches around the walls.  

Anushka Thorat

Modulation of spaces through staggering creates diverse experiences for various programs. This is further experimented through the idea of mobility in places of public/private realms which certain programs need to cater. One such is the hawking space for vendors , where this idea of staggering is done my moving partitions provided in an open floor plan which lets the user of that space navigate the arrangement through spaces . This comes about through strategically arranging volumes and voids, manipulating light, scale, and circulation to evoke distinct atmospheres, linking to the different public and private needs of the spaces creating dynamic interactions within the built environment . 

Drashti Thumar

Creating small pockets wrapped around every programmes which acts as a threshold between the inside out. these pockets allows one to stay back and sense the space. Jali wall adds to the porosity from out which helps maintain the visual connect. Sloping roof to such spaces creates creates various heights to the same space which offers different spatial experience. These pockets put forth a welcoming gesture as they open out to the playground. 

Devesh Turakane

Nomadic Nodes are like flexible meeting spots that are designed to change and move easily. These places are where people from different paths can come together and share ideas. They're set up to let people move around freely and have impromptu gatherings. These spots are made to be able to adapt quickly to different needs and activities. By focusing on being open to change and enjoying the time people spend together, Nomadic Nodes become lively places where communities connect and share in the city. 

Shivam Vishe


Pre-construction Stage Approvals 

The proposal put up in the BMC shall be given IOD after which a commencement certificate is issued to complete the work up to  the plinth level.  Additionally, several other NOCs are required during the preconstruction stage. This process is followed up by the architect carrying out the licensing work. 


Preparation of Tender Drawings  and Floating of Tenders  

Tender is an invitation from the owner to the contractor to execute some work at specified cost in specified time. It is published in the form of tender notice in news papers, notice boards, gussets, etc. according to the cost of works. 

Tender drawings are prepared by the architect so that the bidder can understand and co-relate the BOQ with the design drawings. Tender drawings consist of basic measurements, the height of the building, room sizes and general specifications along with the BoQs and measurement sheet. The rate column is  left empty for the bidder to fill. 

Tenders are floated to ensure that a suitable contractor is selected based on the contarctor's scope and the quality of their past work.


Analysis of Tenders & Selection of Contractor - Contract   

Tenders are analysed and contractors are chosen on the basis of fairness of the rates quoted by them and the quality of construction they are capable of carrying out.