Use of Space and Time

Future Ready Framework piece

Current Initiatives 

Identified Area of Growth

Space upgrades of West Elementary and East Elementary are scheduled for the Summer of 2024.  We are working on maintaining inviting spaces and ADA compliance with a modern flow.  We have been fortunate to use the library spaces, resources, and even personnel for a variety of purposes. These uses cover a wide range of times and learning communities as well. The libraries continue to be welcoming space for students, staff, and community members alike.

Plan to Address Area of Growth 

There is no current plan to address this wedge. Future appraisals of the space and programming may adjust this.

Potential Future Directions for Library Program 

There are several initiatives from clubs, and community activities that become popular or come to reality as a result of community needs that may become a part of our programming in the future. We will continue to monitor our community needs and respond with programming and resources that can be of assistance.