Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Future Ready Framework piece

Current Initiatives

Identified Area of Growth

The flexible scheduling of library spaces, support of library staff, and technology lessons lend strength to this wedge so it is not currently labeled as an area of growth. Future appraisals of the wedge, new staff entering the district, and student performance data may bring this wedge to the forefront in future years.

Plan to Address Area of Growth

Library staff have an obligation to select, maintain, and support access to content on subjects by diverse authors and creators that meets—as closely as possible—the needs, interests, and abilities of all the people the library serves. This means acquiring materials to address popular demand and direct community input, as well as addressing collection gaps and unexpressed information needs. Library staff has a professional and ethical responsibility to be proactively inclusive in collection development and in the provision of interlibrary loan where offered.

Potential Future Directions for Library Program

Best practices in collection development assert that materials should not be excluded from a collection solely because the content or its creator may be considered offensive or controversial. Refusing to select resources due to potential controversy is considered censorship, as is withdrawing resources for that reason. Libraries have a responsibility to defend against challenges that limit a collection’s diversity of content. Challenges commonly cite content viewed as inappropriate, offensive, or controversial, which may include but is not limited to prejudicial language and ideas, political content, economic theory, social philosophies, religious beliefs, scientific research,  and sexual content.  Library staff intend to make this a priority.