Learning Strategies

Every child has his or her own unique way of learning. When it comes to your DHH students, there are additional factors that need to be considered. The following tips go over student comprehension as well as ways a DHH student can self advocate for themselves.

Tips to Help with Student Comprehension

  • Be clear when introducing a new topic or the focus of the class is changing,
  • Summarize key points given by other students.
  • Write words, dates, assignments and other important information on the board.
  • Provide a list of vocabulary or other assignments for the child to learn at home before the lesson is taught or before class discussions.
  • Point to or clearly identify which child is speaking so the DHH student knows who to focus on. Have the student identify when they are done speaking so the DHH student can focus back onto the teacher.
  • Give the DHH child extra time to process any questions before jumping in to rescue them. Rephrase and reword only when necessary.
  • Repeat questions before moving on to another student. They may not have processed the whole request or question the first time.
  • Use visual cues, body language and props, to allow the child a second opportunity to receive the information being taught or asked.
  • Use the closed captioning app when showing videos and clips.
  • If the student uses a DM system give the microphone to the person speaking.


  • Identifies and informs adults when batteries are dead or when device is not working.
  • Changes batteries with limited assistance.
  • Identifies and informs adults of difficult listening situations, such as gym.
  • Identifies and informs an adult when they need clarification of instructions or repetition of directions
  • Sits in a suitable listening position and attends to the speaker when seated.
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