
Go-Math! is located in Clever. Clever is an easy way for your student to access many of the learning applications they use at school. It allows them to access most of their learning applications with a single username and password (Google username and password), or by using a Clever Badge.

launch a personal math trainer assignment

Assignments from the teacher are accessible through the To Do List on the Student Dashboard.

working on the assignment

Questions may be answered in a variety of formats:

  • Entering an answer in an answer box

  • Choosing from a set of multiple-choice answers

  • Choosing a response from a drop-down box

  • Using a number line or graphing tool that appears on the screen

Note: Some questions have multiple parts. Make sure students answer all parts of every question.

using learning aids

When students receive a Homework assignment, they have access to a variety of Learning Aids available to help them answer questions.

turning in the assignment

After students have answered all the questions, they are ready to turn in the assignment.