4th - 5th Grade


Some kids love it, others hate it, but everyone has to learn it. Math! But the subject doesn’t have to remain within the walls of a school. This series outlines ways you can bring math alive every day, at dinner, watching TV or running errands , in fun and engaging ways.

Khan academy - academic grade level activities (Family access)

School District of Beloit families can use the instructions and the class codes linked below to access grade appropriate math activities on Khan Academy. Students are not limited to their grade level and may join more than one class depending on what they would like to practice. Even though the courses include “quizzes” and “tests”, these are for practice ONLY, and will not be given any credit by the student’s teacher or the district.

math tips for parents

online math resources

Registration is required for some online resources

making music count
(composing + blocks)

Just “keeping time” as we listen to music is a critical beginning, Following the beat surprisingly becomes a path into the mathematics that strongly helps to organize musical time. Working with our interactive computer music program, Impromptu, proportional numbers representing time values become a compositional medium for joining music and math, where students are actually hearing the math happening.

Practice math skills all while playing games.

Animated Educational Site for Kids - Science, Social Studies, Reading, Math.

Math games that teach multiplication, fractions, addition, problem solving and more.

Easily motivate 1st to 8th grade students to learn and practice math.

Breakout EDU uses online games to bring the fun of escape rooms to learning.

Students play games to learn math skills while also creating their own online persona and interacting with others in the game.