Quaver is located in Clever. Clever is an easy way for your student to access many of the learning applications they use at school. It allows them to access most of their learning applications with a single username and password (Google username and password), or by using a Clever Badge.
click any icon to explore...
My Avatar: Your child can customize his/her avatar with fun outfits, cool hairstyles, and more!
Assignments: You'll find any assignments or assessments sent from your child's teacher.
Student Interactives: Explore a full menu of engaging web-based activities that your child may recognize from our lessons.
Creatives: When accessed from a computer or iPad, your child can compose their own pieces on piano, drums, guitar and more.
Music Room: This room is full of fun musical arcade games and seriously fun site-wide contests.
QuaverBooks: Your child can explore digital books about musical styles and time periods and take quizzes to test what they've learned.
Each section of the site holds endless possibility and inspiration for young musicians. Select "APPS" at the bottom of the Quaver Street to explore these areas:
Studio: Composition apps for piano, drums, guitar, dance, and audio loops
Music Room: Musical arcade games, avatar customization tools, and site-wide contests
Metro: Virtual field trips to explore musical styles around the world
Lab: Ear training drills, apps to dissect sound waves, and add sound effects to silent movies
Shop: A phone box that travels through history. talking composers, and much more