Mealtime Procedures
Everyday in Pre-K, your child eats breakfast, lunch, and a snack while at school.
To ensure your child's safety, we are doing the following:
Breakfast and lunches may be served in the classroom or in the cafeteria depending on the site.
Snack will be served in the child's classroom.
No matter where your child's classroom eats, we do the following to ensure the upmost cleanliness:
All students wash their hands before going to the table to eat
All tables are washed with a two-step cleaning process
Step 1: Wipe down tables with soapy water
Step 2: Spray tables with a bleach/water mixture and let dry for at least 5 minutes before students sit at the table
After breakfast, lunch, and snack the tables are re-cleaned with the two-step process and floors are swept and mopped if needed.