Grade 4 & 5

Hello families! Check out the Family Tip Sheets and Activities, and take a look at the story videos. These are quick and easy activities to open discussion around the topics below.

Respect - Digital Manners and Law for Grade 4 / 5 focus on positive interactions online and understanding basic copyright law. This connects with the habit of copying and pasting other people's photos and images into personal work without permission.

From Being Internet Awesome

Family Activity - Cyberbullying, Digital Drama & Hate Speech - Grades 3-5.pdf

Cyberbullying, Digital Drama & Hate Speech

Common Sense Media

Educate - Digital Communication, Literacy, and Commerce in Grade 4 -5 focus on sharing carefully, playing online games respectfully, recognizing what cyberbullying is, recognizing phishing and scams, and understanding advertising and e-commerce.

From Common Sense Media: Digital Passport

Detecting Lies and Staying True

From Safety Centre Videos

From MediaSmarts

Protect - Digital Rights and Responsibilities, Safety and Security, and Health and Wellness focus on the fact that information can copied, sold, and searched, focus on keeping information private, and on healthy media choices.

Family Activity - Privacy & Security - Grades 3-5.pdf

Privacy & Security

Common Sense Media

Family Activity - Media Balance & Well-Being - Grades 3-5.pdf

Media Balance & Well-Being

Common Sense Media

Family Activity - News & Media Literacy - Grades 3-5.pdf

News & Media Literacy

Common Sense Media

For more information:

Common Sense Media is an excellent source of information for parents. For families with questions or concerns about your child's screentime, check out the parent engagement pages. is a Canadian-based centre for media and digital literacy education. This is another excellent resource with games and tips for families.

Digital Passport is a series of games that address key issues kids face in the digital world. Games are a fun way to learn these concepts! Created by Common Sense Media