Grade 2 & 3

Hello families! Check out the Family Tip Sheets and Activities, and take a look at the story videos. These are quick and easy activities to open discussion around the topics below.

Respect - Digital Manners and Law in Grade 2 -3 focus on using kindness both face-to-face and online, and knowing when it's okay to use the work and ideas of others.

Family Activity - Cyberbullying, Digital Drama & Hate Speech - Grades 3-5.pdf

Cyberbullying, Digital Drama & Hate Speech

Common Sense Media

What If Everybody Did That

By Ellen Javernick

Published by Two Lions

Educate - Digital Communication, Literacy, and Commerce in Grade 2 - 3 focus on beginning online interactions, believability of the internet, and understanding advertising.

Common Sense Media

Family Activity - Media Balance & Well-Being - Grades 3-5.pdf

Media Balance & Well-Being

Common Sense Media

Protect - Digital Rights and Responsibilites, Safety and Security, and Health and Wellness focus on understanding digital communication, creating a strong password, and resolving screentime issues.

Protect - Digital Rights and Responsibilites, Safety and Security, and Health and Wellness focus on understanding digital communication, creating a strong password, and resolving screentime issues.

From Common Sense Media: Digital Passport

Grade 2 - Device-Free Moments - Lesson Slides

Device-Free Moments

Common Sense Media

Family Activity - Relationships & Communication - Grades 3-5.pdf

Relationships & Communication

Common Sense Media