8th Fire DVD Series

To Borrow any of the Indigenous Education Resource Kits please email Sherry Burton sburton@saanichschools.ca and kits will be delivered and returned in district mail.

Disk #1:

  • Episode #1 - Indigenous in the City

  • Episode #2 - It's Time!

Disk #2:

  • Episode #3 – Whose Land is it Anyway?

  • Episode #4 – At the Crossroads -

Disk #3:

  • Intro with Wab Kinew

  • Metis Identity

  • Tragedy of Pikangikum

  • Lighting the 8th Fire

  • Six Nations

  • How Long These Words Last

  • REDress Project  Sacred Heart Residential School

  • Nisga'a Grieving

  • Reunion