
Indigenous perspectives and knowledge has become an important piece of British Columbia’s new curriculum. This is reflected by its presence across the curriculum throughout the grades. Many non-Indigenous educators feel ill-equipped to teach Indigenous education. This site aims to assist teachers in knowing their position in teaching Indigenous education, knowing where to start, and how to access relevant and appropriate local resources.

Justice Senator Murray Sinclair, chairman of the TRC from 2009 to 2015, places educators in the role of decolonization suggesting,‎ “Education has gotten us into this mess, and education will get us out” (

This work is challenging but through courage, creativity, risk-taking, and the support of one another in a collaborative effort, we can move forward toward reconciliation in Canada and a better future for ourselves, our students, and our communities.

Indigenous Education Resources from the Province of BC

Indigenous education resources are being developed to support the redesigned K-12 curriculum. The intent of these materials is to help further incorporate Indigenous knowledge and perspectives into B.C. classrooms.

Resources will become available across the 2019/20 school year.

These Curriculum Bundles have been assembled by Indigenous educators from around British Columbia, most of whom are students and graduates of the NITEP program.

You will also find clear connections to the First People’s Principles of Learning, as well as curricular connections that take into account as many subject areas and grade levels as possible. Explore the subjects that interest you to develop learning experiences that are meaningful to you and your students.