
First Practice 2018. Fog kept us off the water and we used the ergs in the Mike Spracklen room.

Kitch: Parkland's assistant coach and biggest fan

The junior novice boys quad in the skills event at Crabfest

Danaka and Anna prepare for the Head of the Hamster

Anna and Danaka, pleased with their win in the senior advanced 2X at Head of the Hamster.

Keli Carroll -Crabfest

Nearly perfect racing conditions for the Senior Novice Quad - Skills Event

Keli & Femke's first race complete

Up to the shoulders, ready up.

Over the heads, ready up.

Senior Novice 8+ heading out for the duel.

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Coach Charlotte & Annika Pedersen (2-seat) after her first race (1st place !)

The Parkland Eight 2018 - Half Slide Race Plan


How was the race?