Social Emotional Wellbeing

Need Help?

Our counsellors are here to support you through any of life's challenges. We are skilled professionals with years of experience working with teens and their families. Please reach out to us when you need support - we are here to help.

Our contact information can be found here:

Goverment of BC Well-Being Website

Everyone’s journey to wellbeing is different – whether you are on a personal journey or are supporting someone who is facing mental health or substance use challenges. was created because:

  • People from all over British Columbia should have the tools necessary to navigate accessing the services and resources they need. And sometimes you may not know where to start.

  • People need access to the right supports, at the right time, that meet them where they are at, easily and quickly.

This site is your trusted guide to finding the right information and services to meet your needs. Your pathway to wellbeing starts here.

There are many great resources available in our community - check out the links below.
Our counsellors are happy to give you more information about any of these organizations.