Our Counsellors

Ronato Pama
School Counsellor
250-658-5221 ext 80683

Mr. Pama grew up In South Africa and left at the age of 20 to travel and see other parts of the world. Canada became his home in 1989. Given his passion for working with youth and mental well being he decided to pursue a degree in Education and Master’s in Counselling at UVIC in the early 1990’s. He did his internship in SD 63 an has worked in Saanich since.

Amanda Giese
School Counsellor
250-658-5221 ext 80649

Ms. Giese grew up in Kelowna and sports played a huge role in her life there. She moved to Victoria in 2000 to complete her Bachelor of Education (PE and Social Studies) at the University of Victoria. Ms. Giese has worked in School District 63 since 2005 and finished her Masters of Counselling Psychology in 2013. She loves connecting with students and is always happy to help.

To make an appointment with a counsellor, please contact Ms. Watson at cwatson@saanichschools.ca or 250-658-6670 or find her in the Claremont Career Centre - Room 217.
You can also directly email or call any counsellor.