Welcome to
École Secondaire Reynolds High School
The Greater Victoria School District wishes to recognize and acknowledge the Esquimalt and Songhees Nations on whose traditional territories, we live, we learn, and we do our work.

Welcome to Reynolds. Home of the Roadrunners. We hope this website will let you get to know what Reynolds a little bit before you come. Click on the videos and links to explore what Reynolds looks like and what you can expect for the start of the year. We can't wait to see you in September!
Messages from your Reynolds Administration Team
Welcome to École Reynolds Secondary School!
We are excited for you to join Reynolds for the remainder of your Kindergarten to grade 12 school experience. We hope that this website, put together by Reynolds students, will give you a small introduction to what Reynolds is all about. We look forward to highlighting how we support students through strong academic programming, diverse elective opportunities and all the athletic, extra-curricular and Fine Arts opportunities that Reynolds is known for.
Parents: Parent volunteers are needed for the Reynolds PAC Board! We look forward to in-person meetings returning next year; the commitment is one evening a month. The PAC group is relaxed and friendly, and you get an opportunity to get the inside scoop on what's happening at the school. As always, all parents are welcome to attend any of the monthly PAC meetings. Please email reynoldspacchair@gmail.com for more information.
We look forward to meeting our new grade 9 cohort next September. Our hope is to give you an idea of what Reynolds is all about and encourage all students to get involved, try something new and let us help you make your high school experience relevant and meaningful.
Aaron Norris, Principal
Emily Kirzinger, Vice Principal
Jason Johnson, Vice Principal
Check out our school website, app and our amazing social media
We also have our own Reynolds App! Download it through the QR CODE