Consider the creation of flexible structures that will support teachers conducting assessments
Begin conversations around Edplan Insight data trends, strengths, stretches to support class mapping & planning
Initiate Initial discussions around assessment
Ensure you have the most recent District Data Recording Templates
Review your new class assessment data using Edplan Insight
Begin baseline data assessments (using an assessment tool that measures the aspects of reading, writing, numeracy)
Check-in with new teachers and/or new to grade on any supports they may need with assessment (where they are located, mentor, ILT...)
Create list of vulnerable learners to re-assess/those that didn't master ELP skills from the previous year)
Shared (Admin/Teacher/LST):
Get to know your students
Review student learning plans, IEPs, file reviews
Prepare for Class mapping (holistic view of the child)
Organize ELP student booklets in preparation for year (distribute to new classes, request additional booklets)