Staff Resources

⬇️ Read-A-Thon Stuff! ⬇️

⬇️ Staff Requesting Materials ⬇️

Staff is welcome to peruse the book shelves or request particular titles or topics. Staff have no limits to the number of books they can check out at one time. Please plan one full week for books to be delivered.

Staff should place holds directly on the card catalog website. 

Not sure how to place holds or browse our catalog? 

Click Here to Watch a quick video to learn how. 

Books are not the only thing we can offer! Other Items Available Include: 

While iPads are available, the district is currently working with Apple to fix several issues regarding updates and app downloads. We are unable to update them at this time.

Technology will not automatically be assigned. Please fill out this form for item checkout. Please allow at least 2 full school days for technological items to be prepared for checkout. You can do this before the first institute day. 

⬇️ Technology Help Videos ⬇️

⬇️ Other Items ⬇️

⬇️ Expectations for LRC Class ⬇️

Student Book Return & Renewal

 While students are usually only permitted to have two books checked out to their account, they will be allowed a third title, if that title is for a classroom research project. 

On your book collection day, please have students put their books in the LRC cart and bring it down to the LRC during book collection times. Two students should bring down the cart and transfer their classroom’s books to the grade level book return box. They will then take the cart to the next teacher in the grade level. (noted on cart)

Book Collection Days:

A: Basic, Cavello

B: Day, Adams, Brandwein, Rosenthal

C: Pulsa, R/W, Schmidt, Tomter

D: Daleiden

E: Carroll, Harrison, Peterson, Ewalt

Expectations for Class Drop Off / Pick Up

⬇️ Setting Up Your Classroom Technology ⬇️

Every room should receive a plastic gallon bag with  the following items inside. Please note: not all items are in every room. For example, not every classroom has a smartboard, and therefore, would not have smartboard markers in the bag. The black item in the lower right hand corner of the sheet is the dongle that connects your chromebook to the extra monitor and/or the projector.  This video, although a bit longer than you’re used to, explains the entire set up for this tool. If you still need help setting up your classroom after watching, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.  I can also help you set up phone hard lines if they were disconnected over the summer.