Netiquette, Cyberbullying, and Social Media


Digital etiquette, or netiquette, is a set of rules for how to behave online. 

Just like in our classroom, remember to treat others the way you want to be treated while online. 

Have you ever had a disagreement, like with a brother or sister, or even on the playground? Most disagreements are caused by people not communicating clearly. Just like with your siblings or friends, you need to communicate clearly. 

In the video, Tim and Moby mention keeping your emails and messages clear and to the point, easy to read, and understandable. You need to consider when to use abbreviations and emojis, capital letters, and jokes. When reading your message or posts, your reader may be confused, offended, or hurt.  


Cyberbullying is bullying that occurs on the internet or through emails and texts. It can include mean messages, as well as posting photos or secrets meant to embarrass someone. Cyberbullying can also include leaving somebody out of online groups, spreading rumors, or pretending to be someone else just to make him or her look bad.

As stated above, just like in our classroom, remember to treat others the way you want to be treated while online. 

In the video, Tim and Moby mention that it's important to communicate your feelings to the person who may be bullying you. However, if talking to them doesn't work, let an adult know and block the bully so that he or she can no longer contact you.

Social Media

Social Media is technology that is used to create, share, or exchange information with others. Examples of social media include YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

Social media is a great way to stay in touch with friends. However, it is important to set time limits and practice kindness. It is also important that you are careful about what you share online and how much you post. Ask yourself, "Would I share this information or picture with a stranger?" or "Do I want my parents to see this picture or video?". If the answer to any of these questions is "No", then don't post.