Our Erasmus + KA


We are a very reliable and high performing grouping of three schools, currently applying for a KA1 on the mobility of at least

and are looking for partner school to host one of the above mentioned groups and be hosted by us in turn  for about 4-5 days (journeys included).

The accompanying teachers will stay at a hotel/hostel (we’d look for discounted prices for our partners). 

The students will as well stay at a hotelhostel but if there is some availability of the families, some EU students may also be hosted by their Italian peers. 

Our KA1 is based on the following objectives/areas:

1: GREEN TRANSITION: we intend to embark on a meaningful path towards improving the school and the local community’s environment, to create a new mindset for our students and become an Eco school. To do this we have plants to organize a participative process of school development, emphasize sustainability in the daily life of the school, support teaching staff in the application of Education for Sustainable Development and offer students opportunities to launch their own initiatives. The first step we intend to take are encouraging biodiversity in outdoor school spaces, monitoring and reducing food waste at the canteen, reduce electricity and water consumption, reduce paper waste, carry our recycling projects, etc.

2 DIGITAL TRANSITION: we are are embedding robotics into our curriculum (Lego Spike, 3d modelling, etc.) and participate in the robotic “olympic” games, with the 8 grades (11- 14 years old kids). We’ll also arrange training courses and paths for our teachers  to manage effectively online classrooms and master e-learning facilities/relevant software, as well as to communicate with students using photos, videos, and audio platforms, exploring the language of social media. Moreover we intend to work on cyberbullying prevention and safe use of the Net.  

3 INCLUSION: we need to improve our approach towards our pupils with special needs making the pedagogical principles of individualization and personalization more effective and most of all applied by all teachers and not merely by the special need teachers. Also due to the pandemic, a growing number of pupils tend to dropout and experience behavioural difficulties interacting with others. The evaluation of pupils is often penalizing and demotivating, while it should take into account also the process of the work and not only the result of the performance and it should consider the specificities and potential of all the pupils. We aim at promoting effective training and action researches about such issues, to guarantee the right to education to all students.

4. OPEN/INTERACTIVE DIDACTIC APPROACHES: our teachers need to reduce frontal teaching and embrace open and interaction approaches, such as cooperative learning, group discussions, debates, case situation project method, moderation, computer simulations, outdoor education, etc. Moreover they need to create repertoires of best practices and repositories of learning objects/materials created with the collaboration of their European colleagues.

This project also implies structured courses for teachers all over Europe and the possibility of hosting teachers in job-shadowing activities, as well as sending some teachers of ours in job-shadowing programmes in other EU schools.

After we have agreed on themes/topics to develop together (competences, activities, tools, evaluation, deadlines, etc), we may prepare the school visits using the eTwinning platform that will work as a virtual classroom for communication and collaboration.

Dear EU teachers, students and staff we look forward to get in touch with you!

Please write to dir.ic.roveretonord@scuole.provincia.tn.it