Remote Learning Tech Help!

Please try the common quick fixes before submitting a Trouble Ticket.

Experiencing a tech issue? Have a question about a program and can't find a video below to answer it? Complete this survey to report the issue or question. A SCS IT team member will reach out to you with 24-28 hours to resolve the issue.

Available Monday - Friday

8AM-12PM & 1PM-3PM

Please enter your student's name, grade, home building, mustangs ID, a contact email, and the problem you are experiencing.

Please be aware that this is service is run internally and only one district representative is available. If your chat is not answered immediately, an IT team member will reach out. via the email provided within 24-48 hours

Virtual Office Hours for Staff

Held by appointment only. Please reach out to your building technician or Dave Binkley to arrange an appointment.