
TY Egg Challenge

TY students were given a very important task from the 20th of January until the 24th - take care of their baby eggs! This is a TY tradition that we were very happy to continue this year.

The students were instructed to decorate their eggs with faces, name them, care for them and bring them into the school and to class. Here are a few of their adventures!

Big Energy Saving Week

January 17th to January 23rd was Big Energy Saving Week. This week was created to raise awareness on how to cut down on energy usage and spending on electricity

Some ideas for you to try at home and in everyday life is

  • Switch off lights when leaving a room

  • Unplug unnecessary appliances

  • Walk instead of driving to nearby areas

  • Switch to LED bulbs

  • Take your thermostat down 1° , every 1° is on average 3% of your energy bill

  • As the good weather draws close, dry your clothes outside instead of using a tumble dryer

Catholic schools week

Catholic schools week was celebrated from the 23rd to the 30th of January. This was a week for students to reflect on their faith and on its teachings. The theme for catholic schools week 2022 was “Living life to the Full”. During religion class students thought about what brings them meaning in life and how they can live a happy life. Everyday a prayer was said on the intercom to inspire the students during this week.

There were even fun activities planned! There was a scavenger hunt for the 1st years on Tuesday and so many of the students joined in and enjoyed themselves.

On Thursday an act of kindness day was organised and random acts of kindness were given out to make some students day! Students were also encouraged to carry out their own act of kindness through a fun game where they had to fill up a kindness jar that was in their well-being classroom with acts of kindness they did this week. Whichever class jar was the fullest won!

On Friday students baked scones and gave them out to the staff to show appreciation for all their hard work. Needless to say Catholic school week was a great success and a very happy and mindful week!

Internet Safety Day

February 8th was Internet Safety Day! Our School Safer Internet Ambassadors, TY students Leahrose and Kira ran a few activities throughout the week within the school.

The theme that this school explored was Online Wellbeing. Online wellbeing is how the internet, technology and social media can make us feel. This includes recognizing the impact being online can have on us.

Here are some tips we can use to improve our online wellbeing:

  • We can all make time for Rest & Reflection. We can do this by looking at our screen time and seeing if we are spending too much time online instead of living in the moment.

  • We can change our online habits and attitudes. We could try this by unfollowing anyone who leaves us feeling negative or down.

  • Reporting any issues to a trusted adult whether that be a parent or teacher. (Remember a problem shared is a problem halved!)

  • Being mindful of others and remembering if you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all!